Tis the racing season!!!
Don't Miss the Action-Packed Mower Racing Event on Saturday December 14th at 5:00pm (1 hour earlier than normal) Mowers from Mild to Absolutely Wild racing at speeds that no mower should ever see! Come on out and see the excitement of modified 100 horsepower mowers slinging clay, sideways, dirt trackin, bumper to bumper, in excess of 60+MPH!!! A crazy family friendly (yet affordable) show that you gotta see to believe. enjoy dinner and a show at one of our fantastic food trucks with many delicious options while watching the mower racing mayhem!!! Fun for all ages. It's going to be HUGE! BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!! After the racing action drive a few feet away to see the world famous Florida Flywheelers "Christmas in the Village" a charitable event where you drive through the early 1900s Village decorated with tens of thousands of Christmas lights and decorations! What's more American than BBQ, Christmas light looking, and Lawnmower Racing all in one night?
We hope to see you at the races!!!
More information on: WWW.NASGRASSFLORIDA.COM
And for all things Florida Flywheelers including information on Christmas in the village please visit: