A must see!!
Join us tomorrow for a public sea turtle nest excavation! On Friday, August 26 promptly at 10:00am, the excavation will take place 0.11 miles south of the Buxton Lifeguard stand. Visitors should plan to park in the Buxton Lifeguard Beach parking lot near the old lighthouse site, take the beach access towards the lifeguarded beach and walk south.
During a sea turtle nest excavation, park biologists will dig up the recently hatched nest, count empty eggshells, and collect unhatched eggs for research. Live and dead hatchlings are occasionally found during these excavations. While the biologists perform their examination of the nest, a park ranger will present a program on sea turtles and share what the biologists have found.
Stay tuned for additional upcoming public nest excavations which will be announced on our sea turtle nest excavation hotline at 252-475-9629.
NPS Photo
Alt Text: Person kneeling on the beach counting sea turtle eggs.