Day 16
Kirsten -
Snow finally came to Kansas - hence the silence for awhile. Okay, that's a lie. I became so frustrated with this wild son of a b*tch that I walked away for a hot minute so that I didn't make any rash decisions.... like wrapping her rope around a pole (again.)
I am the first to admit that I have no idea what I'm doing.. especially because I signed up for a TIP trained horse and I got.... well...you've read what I got. So, we're back at it, making the best of things. When it was too snowy and icy to do anything, I just fed and watched the moron scream around the pen like a bat straight out of hell. She's finally enjoying her bucket, but she has some odd habits that I think, maybe, stem from being wild until 2 years ago? She will pace between her bucket and Finn... Finn wants to kill her when she gets too close, and I thoroughly enjoy watching my spotted land hippo get grumpy with the range rat, over his bucket. Because, in his mind, he's starving.
Saturday, I finally got back to REAL work on Kelp and it was fun. We both now have more than one sliding stop under our belts. It was an exciting day though for not touching her in almost a week. I got the closest I've ever gotten to her.. at a price. She EXPLODED shortly after I snapped the picture and nearly knocked me on my ass... again, one of those times I'm SUPER thankful Daniel isn't lurking. I had to work for that closeness. She was panting, I was panting. I'm fat, she's not. She can keep going - I cannot. Although I'm working on the stamina on my end, I decided to try and beat her at her own game - NOW.
So, today, I saddled up the ol' fluffy, fat, grumpy herd mare, Tequila. You should've seen the look on Kelpie's face when we walked into her pen. If horse mandibles could fall, her's would've been on the ground. Her jaw quickly reattached though when she realized the little red fireball I was riding can run.... We did a lot of round penning on horse back and by the time we were done, she was panting, sweating and letting me within a couple feet of her. I'd call that a win from where we started.
P.S. Everyone keeps telling me I'm in over my head, and that I should just send her back. Friday, I pretty much had myself talked into it... and then Saturday she let me SO CLOSE. I feel it... she's going to get there... it's just going to take a lot of more blood (literally) and cuss words. So, to those of you who say and think I can't do it, thanks for the fuel, fu***rs.
Day 16
Kelpie -
The FH Monkey left me alone for a week. It was pure bliss. I was allowed to play with the Spicy Monkeys whenever I wanted (there's a new stupid one! He's smaller, too - less weight for dunking.) I could sprawl in my hay pile and sleep while the frozen sky fell and the neighboring morons munched away on their hay.
But just when I thought she'd given up, she marched right into my place with a sort of stick up her a** walk... A new found determination was on her face - Game. Set. Match. We went round and round the fence for an hour before she finally stopped and I finally ran out of breath. I stayed in my safe corner with my stupid neighbor behind me. Surely he would protect me if the FH Monkey decided to pounce. While I was focused on the idiot behind me, she snuck up on me! I looked at her one moment while I was resting, looked at the sexy man behind me, and looked back and OMG SHE WAS RIGHT THERE! THE NERVE. I sprang forward past her, nearly taking her out by the t**s and reminded her JUST WHO SHE WAS DEALING WITH.
A couple of days passed before she came back to mess with me again... And this time she was back with the Snorty Neighbor! I nickered to her when she was led in behind the monkey, but she only had eyes for the monkey. She was also toting some strange piece of horror on her back, and to my surprise, the monkey swung her leg up on her! Imagine my shock when, after she got on the Snorty Neighbor, they came towards me! I was out of there! But, the SN followed! What. In. The. Fu**! We rounded the pens for what seemed like ions until I did what I swore I'd never do - I gave in. We all stood there and aired up for awhile while the FH Monkey talked to me about, "being such a good girl." Yeah - right.
I guess I'll just have to show her tomorrow. I will NOT give up.
P.S. Something weird happened to me today. The Flame Haired Monkey pulled up to the barn and was acting... panicked? If that's something they do. She was on her phone, squealing and looking in my pen! Silly Monkey! I was moved across the road this afternoon by the weird Monster Monkey -- The same Monster Monkey that brings the Moron Neighbors and the Moo Deer their food. Those idiots love that Monster Monkey even more than their Flame Haired! 🤦♀️