Haunted Hotel Room in Poland
I’m currently staying in Room 530 at the AC Marriott in Krakow, and I’ve had some of the most terrifying experiences of my life here. The hotel is sleek and modern—definitely not a place you’d expect to be haunted—but ever since I bought a couple of antiques at Plac Nowy in the Jewish Quarter, the activity has been non-stop.It started with the shower. When my fiancée, Alishia, was still here, we both heard it turn on and off by itself several times. We didn’t investigate—it would stop on its own shortly after starting—but it was enough to make us uneasy. We also noticed some strange light phenomena. The lights in the room would flicker at times, and occasionally, they’d turn on and off by themselves. Alishia witnessed some of this with me while she was here.One morning, while Alishia was still with me, I was woken up by the distinct sensation of someone tickling my side. I could feel the brushes of fingers on my body multiple times, and at first, I thought it was Alishia waking me up by tickling me. But then I realized she was asleep, facing away from me. She wasn’t touching me at all, and the side of my body that was being tickled was the one laying on the bed.After Alishia left for the airport, things escalated. I was lying in bed, dreading the sound of that shower turning on again, and sure enough, it did. I couldn’t ignore it anymore and forced myself to investigate. Walking into the bathroom, I was terrified, not knowing what I’d see. When I got in there, the water was running. I tried to turn it off, but the faucet wouldn’t budge. Panicking, I begged—out loud—for whatever or whoever was causing this to stop because I was afraid. Almost immediately after I said that, I was able to shut it off.But it didn’t stop there. The lights in the room started acting up again. I turned on a few lights because I didn’t want to sit in total darkness. I fell asleep with one part of the room lit and the other section dark.When I woke up about
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