Mmmm, perfect spring weather for hanging out in the side yard ☺️
One minute of chickie tv for your viewing pleasure :) These ladies are almost 3 months old. I’m proud of them for getting out exploring 🙂
Because of its location on the north side of the house, the winter greens I planted in the hoophouse weren’t doing too well. Meanwhile, the chickens have been roughing in the rain the past few days. I decided to say goodbye to a struggling winter veggie garden and say hello to a warm dry playground for the chickies. They are loving it so far! Every time I walk by they are scratching, munching and sometimes perching on top of the tomato cages. I’ve also leaned that these chickens are crazy about kale, but don’t care much for parsley.
Chickens are out on new “pasture”! I make temporary paddocks out of movable netting fence that branch off of their solid fence barnyard. This paddock is around a shed and partially in the woods. I love watching them find a bunch of new seeds and bugs when I let them into a new area.
….apparently boots with grass seed on them are MUCH more interesting than an entire new paddock to explore.
Chickens get an extension pasture today with the electro net!
Yellow slime mold grew out of the mulch pile over night! I think it’s
Fuligo septica…
Some highlights from its Wikipedia page:
“Slime molds have a high resistance to toxic levels of metals; one author was prompted to write ‘The levels of Zinc in Fuligo septica were so high (4,000–20,000 ppm) that it is difficult to understand how a living organism can tolerate them.’ The resistance to extreme levels of zinc appears to be unique to F. septica. The mechanism of this metal resistance is now understood: F. septica produces a yellow pigment called fuligorubin A, which has been shown to chelate metals and convert them to inactive forms.”
“In Scandinavian folklore, Fuligo septica is identified as the vomit of troll cats.” Hahaha!
Good morning from this fine feminine energy! They are looking for more lady chickens join their rad flock soon.