Not sure whether they are safe in their current living situation? Do you live far away and wish that you could check in on your loved one more regularly, or have "eyes and ears" to check whether they are doing as well as they say they are doing? Are you overwhelmed with the speed of the decline in your loved ones level of functioning? Not sure where to turn for help and support? Does your loved on
e need to consider a move to assisted living but refuses to consider or even discuss? Not sure which facility to choose from? Not sure which level of care your loved one even needs? Do you think (or fear!) it might be time for your aging loved one to stop driving but worry about taking away their independence? Is there disagreement between siblings or family members about how to best help your aging loved one? Has a doctor suggested that your loved one "needs 24 hour care" but you want to avoid nursing home placement? Do you need to start thinking about downsizing and helping your loved one make decisions about selling their beloved home and transitioning to the next phase of retirement? Has your loved one been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, or another form of dementia, or do you perhaps suspect they might have some issues with their memory? Do you want to know more about your loved one's end of life wishes but unsure or uncomfortable having "The Conversation"? How do you make sure the money lasts long enough to provide the necessary care for your loved one? Know they need care, but have no idea how those services get paid for? Need referrals for elder attorneys, financial advisors, home care agencies, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, senior programs, transportation, medical facilities etc? If you have answered yes to ANY of these questions, then your next move should be a call to THE ELDEST DAUGHTER, Lisa, for a free consultation. If you know someone that could benefit from any of these services, please give me a call and ask about my referral appreciation program. About Lisa Lavoie, MSW:
I have worked or volunteered with seniors in some capacity or another literally since I was a little girl. My nana, a nurse, worked in convalescent homes when I was young, and one of my first memories was going to work with her at Llewsac Lodge (now Carlton Village in Bedford, MA) when I was about 4 years old. This continued, though the facilities changed, throughout all my school vacations and summers until it was time for me to get my first job. It was only natural that I started working in a nursing home setting as a nurse's aide. I received my Associate's in Gerontology (Mitchell College) in 1990, and went on to receive a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Social Services (UMass, 1993) and a Masters in Social Work, with a specialization in Health and Aging (University of Pennsylvania, 1996)
Over the last 25+ years, I have worked in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, day programs, hospitals, geriatric substance abuse, oncology, home care, case management, pastoral care, outpatient medical clinics, palliative care, community services/programs, and real estate. I have seen the impact of aging from many, many different angles. I have had a lifelong commitment to helping people age in place gracefully and with dignity. My goal is to help seniors and their families triumph in their later years and arrive at the end of their lives with gratitude and no regrets.