Lavender Harvesting. Scout is delegating the arduous work to me, while he undertakes the critical task of defending us against a formidable chipmunk.
Unassisted success. Laudable expertise developed! Kudos to Stephanie Johnson!
Haven’t made it home yet.
Stopped at Grans so my M&D could have dinn-dinn! She had missed me, and I REALLY missed her too! Here I am showing off “my place”. Already missing my trainer Stephanie, but I am so happy to be back with Mommie & Daddy! 🦴❤️🐾🦴❤️🐾
A report and video from Scout’s trainer, Stephanie Johnson…
🐾A fun little game I have been playing with Scout the last few days called “Touch” 🐾
His understanding has grown tremendously! soon I will start raising my hand more to the left and right as well as up and down 🐶 if you notice at one point in the video while he is touching my left hand there is a moment of hesitation from scout. I give him a moment to think it out, choosing not to repeat what I asked,but instead giving him a moment to reflect upon the problem at hand. Using His decision and problem-solving skills he chose correctly on what he thought I was asking him to do.🐾
Scout only has 1 week left of this 1st training period before we bring him home. We can’t wait… we miss him terribly! We are so excited to see his progress, and for us to learn what he knows!
🐾A clip from scouts training outing to Tractor Supply where he practiced his leash manners and a little bit more of a distracting environment.🐾
I am very happy to report that throughout his outing he needed minimal redirecting,however he did show a few stress signs in the beginning, we took things slow, and I engaged his mind asking him to do “ distraction” cues he was very comfortable with and after 5 to 10 minutes in the store stress signs subsided. Overall, I am very pleased with the outing.🐾
We love seeing Scout’s progress, as we miss him terribly! Week No. 3
Here is our latest report from our Dog Whisperer, Stephanie Johnson.
🐶🦴Scout working on his place cue outside today! it’s always good to switch up training locations once the dog has shown they have a clear understanding of the cue you are working on. 🦴🐶
By switching up the locations it can help build the dogs endurance and confidence with the cue through the training session with added distractions such as hearing vehicles pass, smells the wind carries through as well as the many types of visual distractions!
I have gone over marker words a bit in the past with you guys so I won’t go into great detail, but if you notice in the video I used what is called a terminal marker( sometimes called a release word) at the end of the video to signal completion to scout, letting him know he could get up from place.
His place training started in a calm environment and all throughout, I have made it a positive thing for scout with the goal where he gets excited to be on place! now it’s just keeping consistent and continuing to expose him to new environments where he will learn to do nothing (properly socialize)
He is well on the way! 🥰🐾
Scout begins week }
🐾This is a sped up clip from part of tonight‘s cognitive mental stimulation session with scout. 🐾During cognitive mental stimulation, the goal is to work with activities that require Scout to use his decision and problem-solving skills. This particular puzzle is one where he must use either his nose,paw or a combo of both to spin the clear barrel releasing his treats and food mix to him to eat. 🦴 if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 🐶
Scout’s training includes…
🐾A group place training session 🐾
Day 1 of week 2.
🐾Here is a short video I call “leash manners in progress” 🐾
You will notice throughout this video I am using the marker word “good” this is a duration marker meaning a marker that tells the dog he is expected to hold/continue the position and or action while getting rewarded from the handler.
I am using the treats as a reward to reinforce the behavior I like (The leash manners) This tells Scout what I want him to do instead of pull on the leash and creates a positive experience a long side of it🐾
Scout is entering week 2 in his training! We’re so proud of him, and so happy with the amazing work his trainer Stephanie Johnson is doing!
Here’s her update…
🦴Working on an impulse control game with Scout.🦴How this game is played is part of his food is placed in my hands. If he tries to grab the food I close my hand ignoring the undesired behavior. (This is part of the operant conditioning training method we talked about ) When Scout leaves the hand alone, I then re-open the hand. When Scout chooses to look at me, leaving the food alone I then mark using a terminal marker (also called a release word,I used “yes” in the video)and give him his reward. This is a great thing to start practicing so we can begin to increase the length and frequency in which we start asking scout to practice impulse control. 🐾 I
We’re so happy to share Scout’s first day of training! He’s taking his first steps towards becoming my service dog! Way to go Scout! 🦴❤️
This is from Scout’s Trainer…
🐾Scout during one of his “ Class sessions” 🐾 There’s not a whole bunch of words spoken to him throughout this short training session,but a whole lot is being said. The main communication is through body language,pressure and release to be a little more exact. As he goes to step off the placemat, I use my body to add pressure,moving him back to the placemat,once he is back where I like him I back up removing pressure. I am also offering him rewards to help reinforce the behavior creating a positive positive association with the place mat and training overall!
My time at Justene's has allowed me access to some impressive recreational spaces which she proudly shares with guests like myself. As much as I value this experience though; being back in familiar surroundings is something to look forward too. Justene