20 more days until Halloween - Oak Hill Cemetery, Pontiac, MI - These numbered stones mark the graves of patients of the Eastern Michigan Asylum for the Insane. I was doing an EVP session asking if they were upset to be buried without a name and that their remains were not claimed by their family. The whispered response was, "Who the hell are you?".
"Who the hell are you?" EVP
20 more days until Halloween - Oak Hill Cemetery, Pontiac, MI - These numbered stones mark the graves of patients of the Eastern Michigan Asylum for the Insane. I was doing an EVP session asking if they were upset to be buried without a name and that their remains were not claimed by their family. The whispered response was, "Who the hell are you?".
National House Inn Anomaly
22 more days until Halloween - Anomaly caught on video during a stay at the National House Inn in Marshall, MI
Governor Warner Mansion Investigation
Recorded during an investigation of the Gov. Warner Mansion in Farmington, MI in May 2008. After a slow night we were packing up our equipment in the parlor & getting ready to leave when we heard a loud noise coming from the room above us. We found nothing on the 2nd floor, but during an EVP session in the parlor, when I was standing in front of a mirror with two old photos of the mansion lying on the marble shelf, I asked, "Are you a member of the Warner family?" The photo to the right of this picture lifted off the shelf and slammed back down witnessed by others in the room. This voice recording contains my questions and the sound of the photo slamming along with the reactions of the others in the room.
Pickett's Charge EVP Pistol Fire
150 years ago on this date 3 July 1863 during the final day of the battle of Gettysburg was the ill fated Confederate attack dubbed Pickett's Charge. The Federal line repelled this advance sealing the fate of the battle and ultimately turning the tide that would end the Civil War preserving the Union.
I was walking the path of the charge alone in April 2011 and stopped periodically to record without the sound of my footsteps. I captured this EVP near The Angle close to the High Water Mark. I heard nothing at the time, but the recording reveals the sound of a cap and ball pistol being cocked and firing. There is a distinct sound of the cap firing and then the discharge of the ball.
Apr 20, 2011 2:00pm
150 years ago on this date, 1 July 1863, the battle of Gettysburg began.
The events from this historic battle continue to play out a century and a half later. I recorded this EVP at Culp's Hill on 20 April 2011. I was the only one on the hill within a 100 yard radius and heard nothing when I was recording. The playback reveals gunfire and voices nearby that sound like commands "Load" and "Left".
I can't wait to return to Gettysburg!
150 years ago on this date, 1 July 1863, the battle of Gettysburg began.
The events from this historic battle continue to play out a century and a half later. I recorded this EVP at Culp's Hill on 20 April 2011. I was the only one on the hill within a 100 yard radius and heard nothing when I was recording. The playback reveals gunfire and voices nearby that sound like commands "Load" and "Left".
I can't wait to return to Gettysburg!
OSPH Bingo
Recorded at Old South Pittsburg Hospital - We were doing a Spirit Box session while playing bingo trying to get the "residents" from the nearby Geriatrics Ward involved. We had made contact with Margaret earlier in her room at the end of the hall, so we were "helping" her and Nurse Betty play by filling their bingo cards for them. When we neared the end of the game & Margaret was close to winning, the Spirit Box emitted a high-pitched squeal of excitement, after she was declared the winner, my video camera shook and moved slightly right before Cindy (who was standing with us) joins the conversation. We were all about 10 feet away from the tripod and no cords were around to cause the camera to move. Maybe Margaret was excited to collect her prize!
3rd Floor Noises
Old South Pittsburg Hospital 2012 GLH investigation - Exploring the 3rd floor alone with noises sounding like they are coming from the room across from the Nurse's Station.
Room 307 Door Opening - Old South Pittsburg Hospital
We still have mountains of evidence to review from the Great Lakes Hauntings investigation of Old South Pittsburg Hospital, but here's a longer version of the video of the door to Room 307 opening on Camera 02. This is on the 3rd Floor in the Psych Ward. The owners of the hospital had gone to Chattanooga for the day & our other member had gone sightseeing, so it was just Keith, Fiona & Lon in the hospital (well, we were the only living people). We were on the second floor. At the 14:38 mark you'll hear the latch open, the door swings open bangs into the wall and the latch is let go. A few seconds later, you'll see Lon pass Camera 08 on the second floor on my way to the gas station to get some pop, then Keith & Fiona will pass Camera 08 to lock the door behind him. We did not know about about this activity until we saw that the door had sunlight streaming into the hallway when we looked at the monitors later. Lon went up to close the door and check on the mechanism. It latches securely and you must turn the handle to open it. There are no open windows anywhere around & no air currents present. No shadows of anyone in the room when the door open. We have NO natural explanation for this door opening.