Final FrOntiers Coaching

Final FrOntiers Coaching It is all about speed. Speed of making mistakes and speed of fixing them anD ScorinG SuCceSs! I recommend them to you! Here...Now! May you have much success.

CoAchinG Winners toDay In ALL LanGuaGes Of...My UniVerSe Of...FrienDs...Families...ASsoCiAtes... BuSineSses InCluDinG thOse thAt I've Been BleSseD enOuGh tO HaVe CroSseD Paths So fAr AnD YOU...anD ALL the Ones Who reCommenD Me anD trUSt My QuAlities! RecommenDatiOns anD TestimOnials:

Thanks to all 808 people who recommend me! deanne kandidshots [ 24-Apr-09 6:13pm ] Right Honourable Ambassador of

Global Social Networking Yr profile reads with such warmth, genuine positiveness.A purpose driven life with fluency and meaningful destiny.A wonderful flambuoyant champion lyricist u r MuZz+afa.U R truly an example of a truly global linguistic citizen who is uniting the human race to pursue and achieve beyonds their wildest dreams. For me imparting inspite of the fleeting challenges we face en route 2 learning,moving on,maturing and sharing with multitudes of others become the plus in one becoming a better,peaceful and happier persons;as this is the beauty of the gift of life.It is really wonderful 2 try 2 live when you are alive.U asked so here goes-My biggest challenge that I'm embracing now is 2 overcome, I really do need help,this is 2b more accomplished as a social networking entrepreneur globally and on line being a tremendous bonus.I would be gratefully privildged for you assisting me on this journey.Next one is deciding in what order 2 visit and take my creative giftings,talents,skills in photography,makeup artistry,as well as my ability 2b motivational,inspirational 4 people 2 aspire and maximise human race potentials.Locations in running are South Africa,Dubai,Africa as a whole really, Australia.From yr profile Cassablanca is in running also.Let me have a proposal from your learnered self, as 2 how we can assist each other to achieve win win win 2 maximise our reach of the human race potentiials;with u in Morocco,Casablanca,Rabat,Marrakeshh,Fez,Tangiers etc etc etc. MuZz+afa its truly great 2 give and truly great 2 receive,as this balances the methodolgy of life for the human race. Wishing you always continued favoured global successess. Shalom Deanne Elizabeth Brealey [ 23-Apr-09 6:22pm ] Dear Mustapha What a star you are! Creative, witty, helpful, fun - a pleasure to network with. Your courteous, helpful attitude responding to me looking at your page are refreshing. I shall look forward to getting to know you better. Satheesan Sugapurath Madhathil [ 16-Apr-09 5:50am ] Dear Mustapha, You are excellent personality with multifarious capabilities and willing to help people in need. I appreciate your style of expression and approach to people and matters. Regards, Dr S M Satheesan Alfred Trautman,III [ 31-Mar-09 6:03am ] Mustapha: Amazing profile! You're everywhere! BIG WORLD ALTERING PROJECTS TO COME!! AND A NEW SCIENCE! Let's keep in touch! Best, Alfred Elisabeth Winkler [ 20-Mar-09 12:02pm ] Thanks to his dynamism, Mustapha bounced me out of my online world into the real one. I left The Office early to sit with him on the waterfront outside Bordeaux Quay, Bristol's flagship sustainable restaurant. Mustapha wore an elegant suit - I thought from his picture he would be a motorcycling daredevil! Our conversation took off. I felt as if I were in a Paris cafe. I blessed this holiday moment. How rarely do I allow myself this leisure? We established a similar value system, which could be boiled down to one word, we decided: kindness. A natural networker, Mustapha got his first big job through a daring call to a top man in a bank in Vienna twenty years ago. He inspired me. I have to ask more. What's the risk apart from 'no'? But then I also find saying 'no' hard so maybe the two (asking/saying no) are linked. Mustapha said saying no (kindly) is one of the first things he teaches when coaching. I absorbed his wisdom, given-freely. Our conversation ranged from Stockholm (a city in nature, he said, with rocks and rivers) to the Canary Islands before the Spanish invasion when the Berbers ruled, and had I heard of the Jewish Berber queen, The Kahina? My world expanded in the bright March sunshine. Mustapha returned to Casablanca a few years to look after his parents, now both dead, and I understood his sympathetic online response to my father's stroke. So, I thought to myself, these people I meet online, that I sometimes judge in my mind (a motorcycle tearaway!), they are…real people. Meeting Mustapha made networking tangible. I glimpsed its power - I thought of several friends who would enjoy meeting him and, no doubt, throughout the course of his life, I thought, he would do the same for me. Post-script. I went that night to my Five Rhythms dance class, a hippy-mix of dance and meditation which sometimes spins off into wild ecstatic (but no drugs) tribal dancing. Well, Mustapha was up for coming with me and Mike, my partner. He went off to his hotel to change. I kept expecting him to duck-out of the class especially as it was hard to find, tucked-away behind a cobblestoned hill. But Mustapha made it (looking cool in white trousers) and danced the night away. I was impressed by his willingness to share my world, and spontaneously. He makes things easy. I had a sense we would always know each other - I could always ask him something; he could always ask me. We would be free to say no if we could not help. And we would be kind. What more can you ask? Didik Yanuardi [ 20-Mar-09 1:38am ] Mustapha I am recently connected to Mustafa and so far I found him very energetic,funny,witty and with lot of positivity.We must connect with him and with more such Mustafa's.Preeti Stella Holman-THE CONNECTOR [ 19-Mar-09 1:43pm ] My attitude to Mustapha has changed alot in the past few months as I see him working hard with a passion to connect with everyone, no matter where they are in the world. The events he organizes and participates in look like fun! I look forward to attending one myself in the future. Glad you are in my network Mustapha - your brilliant and a true Connector. Keep up the good work Kind regards, Stella Holman The Connector Ewa Maslowska [ 12-Mar-09 4:30pm ] It is big pleasure to be in touch with such a person as Mustapha and to have him in my contact. He is a real coach, who cares of the new people at Ecademy, helps and always sends good news and warm words. Always ready to share his experience, alwaysy ready to advice like a relyable friend, I would say Good Brother. brice pascal ABBEY [ 8-Mar-09 7:39pm ] thanks you to add me as contact.I very proud to be among your friends i have edit a new profile and shall be happy to get more connection with a exceptional personage who would be present at the World festival of African arts . bricepascal Abbey SUSAN MARSHALL [ 8-Mar-09 7:35pm ] Mustapha is a very warm hearted person and i am proud to have him as a contact and very grateful for all his wisdom and kind words Regards Sue Gerner Petersen [ 8-Mar-09 4:14pm ] Hi Mustapha Thanks to join me to your contacts and share network, its my pleasure to have you in my friends list. Kind Regards Gerner Abderrazak Memmiche [ 6-Mar-09 7:59pm ] Mustapha, Tu sais que tu as un ami en Tunisie, Bonne chance, et tout ce que je peux te dire maintenant est tabarkallah & Maachaa allah Rabbi yostrek Abderrazak AsgharAli Khatau [ 5-Mar-09 11:40pm ] The very first time you shake hand with Mustafa and look into his eyes you get the feeling of the warmth of his heart, smile of a man who is an ocean full of knowledge, velour of a hero who has kingly blood running in his veins, power house of energy, understanding of commands before you speak and a linguist who would deliver capable answers in languages of many countries, an endless traveler of the world, an inspiring legend of Morocco who would only commit what he would fulfill to the dot and a willing host to fly you through Arabian Nights. Imagine what I say is from my feelings for Mustafa. I need to define him better when I meet him. I found peace in his network and I consider him to be a noble friend to have and a dream come true. Best Regards and warmest wishes to Mustafa and his near and dear ones. Asghar Ali Khatau Diane A Sears [ 5-Mar-09 10:52pm ] Everyone should have Mustapha in their life! Mustapha is a bon vivant whose upbeat personality, compassion, and energy light up the world. He certainly puts on a smile on my face each time I receive a message from him. He is selfless ... willing to share his experiences and knowledge with others. And he is equally receptive to the experiences of others and the advice and knowledge that they can impart to him. Mustapha, continue to shine your light on the world. The world needs your light! Here's to your continued success! Best regards, Diane Evelyn Suárez [ 5-Mar-09 10:50pm ] Hello Mustapha !!! I like your name

Ulrike Aumair [ 15-Dec-08 7:28pm ] Mustapha is simply a great strong amazing motivating uplifting ANGEL to me and I'm grateful and happy to be within his network and friends... I deeply admire your energy... may infinite blessings always be yours~~~~ biiig AngelsHugZ )) ...for you my friend... ...mellow thoughts... ...would I be an angel I would softly touch your skin whenever you like, whenever you wish a friend's presence... ...would I be the wind I smoothly would cover you with strength whenever you are weak... like a breeze kissing you softly on one cheek and the other... leaving a feeling of fresh peaches on your skin... ...would I be the ocean I would fulfill you with waves of abundant refreshing energy whenever your soul is in need of it... ...would I be a rainbow I would dress you in all rays of light through a golden shower of blessings... ...would I be a star I would shine to you as brilliant as your eyes may appreciate...'s me who is wishing to give you all that to express my deep gratitude… I simply may send you my purest love straight from my heart to yours... ~*~~*~~*~~*~ © reallygenuine (Ulrike Aumair) Rama Sethu Ranga Nathan [ 15-Dec-08 6:58am ] Dear Friend, Greetings From India. It is an honour and pleasure to be connected with you on Ecademy. I am Benefited and it is an Honor. You are appreciative, optimistic, cheerful,kind,professional,friendly and a charming ecademist. You have Great Profile with Lot of Information.Best wishes once again. I look forward to our networks being of mutual benefit to one another. Looking forward to hearing from you. God Bless. Regards. R.Rama Sethu Dick Woods [ 13-Dec-08 4:38pm ] Mustapha Ait Amnay Bouga Such a pleasure to meet you. Regrettably I have commitments tha keep me from attending the Christmas party there and meeting you. It will be a distinct pleasure and one I will not miss when I get to visit. I will indeed stay in touch and will look forward to when we will meet Kindest Regards Dick Woods Stavros Papagianneas [ 7-Dec-08 10:12am ] Mustapha is the type of person everybody admires. Communicative and a great networker. He has a lot of potential to achieve his goals. It is a pleasure to be connected with him. Stavros Papagianneas Claudia Xavier de Lima [ 6-Nov-08 2:40pm ] Happy to have you in my network, Mustafa. Hoping we´ll have a great exchange! Claudia visual artist BARBARA BRUNOLDI [ 6-Nov-08 8:53am ] Mustapha has a great vibe and autenticity. It is my pleasure to be connected with him! B Christina Koeppel [ 5-Nov-08 7:48pm ] Hey...........Mustapha is one of my first friends on Ecademy..........he is so open, friendly and easy going that I thought I knew him for years!!!!! Connect with regrets!!!! Chris Preeti Sharma [ 4-Nov-08 7:08pm ] I am recently connected to Mustafa and so far I found him very energetic,funny,witty and with lot of positivity.We must connect with him and with more such Mustafa's.Preeti Liz Harris [ 2-Nov-08 9:50pm ] Muatapha is such a lively, interesting warm person, it is a pleasure to be have made contact. I look forward to what the future holds with this likeable crazy friend. Sotiris Zafeiris [ 31-Oct-08 9:52pm ] What to say about Mustapha, I feel a close friend of his even i havent met him yet...his more than 800 testimonials explain the rest... Be well Mustapha..and lets meet when you come to London next time Sotiris Yogesh Huja - Technopreneur [ 31-Oct-08 6:28am ] He is the best ........nothing much i can write for him. I look forward to meet him personally in near future Rgds Yogesh Huja Janet Kairuz [ 29-Oct-08 12:10pm ] Mustapha is an energetic individual who has the ability to motivate you. A great contact and I look forward to working with him closely. bridget busutil [ 28-Oct-08 8:31pm ] Mustapha is just a great Human Being, caring, accessible and generous I find him Open to all that come to him. He has endearing qualities that bubble like a great Champagne, and he adds zest and charisma to his great intelligence. In short, a remarkable Man we should be grateful to have on Ecademy. bridget busutil, PhD jacqueline granger [ 25-Oct-08 11:42am ] I could learn alot from you. What great interpersonnel skills you have. The motivation & commitment you show, You may be a black star, but in my eyes you are a shinning bright star. Lots of love, Jacqueline Alexandria Altman [ 24-Oct-08 5:51pm ] Very cool,I will do so,you are a busy guy,thanks for the invite.. Author Alexandria Alt Pamela Mayer [ 23-Oct-08 4:03pm ] Mustapha's zest for life and people are his gifts. He is highly intelligent and knowledgeable. A combination that is a sure recipe for success. He is an amazing man to know and you cannot help but be energized by him. Intelligent, charismatic, generous, inspirational. If you go through this lifetime and don't know Mustapha, you have missed out knowing one of the best. Lee Wakelin [ 23-Oct-08 1:01pm ] Your Good. I LIKE YOUR STYLE. Lee sara eljirafi

Peter Jones [ 10-Oct-08 3:42am ] If you want to get in touch with someone, Muzz will be all over it like a rash. (I'm not sure he sleeps, he answered a message of mine at 4:26am when I also couldn't sleep !) Genuine, warm and funny, you'll enjoy direct conversation with him, and as a facilitator for you his contact levels will be high. I recommend him to Ecademists. Zaina Amir [ 10-Oct-08 2:44am ] Mustapha is a jovial gentleman, He is full of zest ,no doubt he is an admirable person around. May God Almighty always keep him in HIS loving cares . Dorota Krzyzanowska [ 10-Oct-08 12:43am ] Very open, warm , friendly, dynamic,natural, supportive, enthusiastic, approachable, with international open mind - definitely a person you'd like to hangout with and join forces in all kinds of ventures... ikolmoh Yteerm [ 9-Oct-08 10:31pm ] Impressive! I recommend Mustapha as a coach and a dear friend. His high energy level, that he transmits to me and he is a highly motivating facilitator. He really know where the business comes from and where the business goes, as we traders, call the flow. Mustapha is in the flow !! He gave me great insights into meditation and deep relaxation that help me master the most stressful situations. Many thanks to you. Saad Ricardo Camacho [ 9-Oct-08 4:47pm ] I could not believe in the energy that flows from Mustapha, he's a real dinamo of helping others. Mohd Ghufran [ 9-Oct-08 10:19am ] By the Grace of "ALLAHA" Mustapha- A Man who is always ready to help for anyone. A true and a nice person for humanity and puts a lot of knowledge and gives back to community. He is very freindly and supportive person like a gardian or a father or a brother. I like his kindest nature and very glad to meet Mustapha. Kindest Regards Mohd Ghufran Delhi India Ulrike Aumair [ 8-Oct-08 9:43pm ] wooooo.....w, is the first impression )) Mustaphas words and energy comes like a giant wave directly, straight from heart to heart... fun-tastic! I love it! I feel like sitting in a jet aircraft, fastening my seat belts and enjoying a fabulous grandiose take-off... superb!!! he has got so much inspiring powerful energy and I could imagine that it's kind of mind blowing or mind changing meeting him face to face ))) he has loads of light and I really want more Mustaphas around... I feel he is a perfect ambassador for Morocco and I feel like visiting Casablanca tonight ))) Mustapha I love your essence )) you are a motivating vibrant inspiration )) big hugs and deep gratitude stay blessed~~~~ Ulliiieeee..... ))) ~*~~*~~*~~*~ Diane Martin [ 8-Oct-08 9:16pm ] Words escape me I feel they have all been expressed in Mustaphas many testimonials - except to add I am very pleased to be part of his dynamic contacts a shining beacon of light Michelle Dale [ 8-Oct-08 9:11pm ] If you have only one friend in Morocco, make sure it's Mustapha Dana Weekley [ 8-Oct-08 2:16pm ] Mustapha's enthusiastic energy comes across clearly all the way from Rick's Cafe!! Right away, he connected me with two other people, relevant to my business. Read his profile and ride the energy - he's in the flow and you will be too! John Smallwood [ 8-Oct-08 7:54am ] I definitely want some of that! Mustapha is a "must connection", funny, witty, energetic, smileworthy and generous!! He is a wonderful ambassador for both Morocco AND Ecademy. I hope I have the honour of meeting him face to face one day! Robson Lelles [ 7-Oct-08 12:01pm ] Mustapha seems to be born with an extra-portion of energy. His business partners may take advantage from having him aboard. GOD bless you, Mustapha, and bring light to your paths! Yvonne Denny [ 7-Oct-08 6:32am ] Just connected with Mustapha recently and I have to say he is very friendly, motivating and inspiring. So much so that he has inspired me to connect with everyone that has sent me a message. He makes you wanna "just do it" - get involved in life so thanks Mustapha - YOU rock! KJ Jacobs [ 7-Oct-08 1:36am ] Just reading the profile of Mustapha Amnay Bouga, gives me energy and lifts me up! Keep it up! K J Jacobs, RN and new author. "Looking Up When Your Circumstances Have You Down." Rob Murray [ 7-Oct-08 1:32am ] I have only just connected with Mustapha, but immediately can see his energy and positive attitude to life. Will be good to get to know him and his network. Good luck Mustapha. Best regards Rob Hassan Ijtihadi [ 6-Oct-08 6:32pm ] Mustapha introduced me to this network, and i already like it very much because he makes it so easy for me to understand how it works He introduces me to great persons He helps a lot of new Moroccan members like me. Having such a prestigious coach from Casablanca and a nice fellow Ecademist and BlackStar makes me understand quickly what networking is all about. Making friends and building trust to secure business deals. Thank you very much Mustapha! Yours, Hassan Reda Zniber [ 6-Oct-08 7:57am ] Mustapha has introduced me to Ecademy so he is my first contact. My first and best concact. Best coach too and one of the nicest persons i know in Casablanca. No reputation is better than Mustapha's reputation in Morocco. He masters many thin things and shares his expertise and love for the nice and genuine things in Life generously. A great music lover and a great dancer i am glad to call a soul mate. Honored to be here with you oncle Mustapha! Yours, Reda Liliane Van Pellecon [ 4-Oct-08 11:03pm ] For the little I know him, Mustapha is certainly a torrent of positive energy and optimism. Great to know him! Liliane Nitin Mahajan [ 3-Oct-08 4:05pm ] I like the proactiveness about Mustapha. He was the first person to approach me when i joined ecademy. He has a strong instinct that inspires and is always there to help you out. In the sea of people its really great to be connected to Mustapha. Fabrice Deniel [ 2-Oct-08 4:42pm ] Hello !! I have been introduced to Ecademy by my long lasting friend Mustapha Bouga and let me tell you this : I enjoy it very much and I enjoy coleading the Friends of Algeria with Mustapha Bouga as he is one of the most dynamic and key persons I know in Africa and specially in Marketing, Coaching, Networking and Comunication! His coaching is simply the best. Better than all the rest! I am looking forward to our meetings offline in Neuilly-sur-Seine and in Casablanca where you Mustapha, always shines! I am looking as well forward to meet like minded musical and musician soul who like jazz trumpet and want to play it in my home Orléans, not to confuse with the US New-Orléans! Let's bring soon New-Orleans Jazz to French Orleans. Yours forever, Fabrice Jose Marques [ 2-Oct-08 2:18pm ] Mustapha is an energy booster! This guy is pure positive energy and motivation. I'm very happy to have known here. Gary Lahti [ 2-Oct-08 9:46am ] Simplest comment I can make? Pure motivation! Keep up the good work and see you at Ricks someday! Selchouk sami [ 1-Oct-08 6:25pm ] Mustapha As many have said you are full of energy and very positive I can feel it !!!!!!! Excellent stuff!!! Selchouk Kristel Lenaerts [ 1-Oct-08 7:11am ] I like the 2 feet on his profile with his introduction. Nice, warm and funny answers. It touches someones heart. You are welcome. Antoinette Young [ 1-Oct-08 5:35am ] getting a message from Mustapha always gives me a boost. He is always so positive - so thank you. Antoinette Young DIBT Abdelaziz [ 1-Oct-08 1:03am ] I have met Mister Amnay Bouga when he was my comunication teacher at the Institute of Transports and Logistics in Casablanca. We all liked his approach and his way of teaching us comunication. I learned so much from him and so fast. He is fast and made me become fast and efficient in my way of developing good relations w/people. He is amazing as he wakes up our energy even in the afternoon. The only thing we thought about was when is the next course with him! Thank you Si Mustapha for all what you gave. I will try to honor your efforts! Kind regards, Abdelaziz El Ghali Alaoui [ 30-Sep-08 6:11pm ] Thank you Mustapha for introducing me to this wonderful Network in Paris where I met so many people Offline at your great meetings. Thank you as well for connecting me with so many interesting persons here. Socially, Culturally and Business wise! You're the best in Morocco and everywhere! Kind regards, El Ghali Cornelia Gustafzon [ 25-Sep-08 10:11pm ] Nomen est Omen...Mustapha is a very kind, sweet and energetic dear friend of mine...he amazes me with his competence and fast and swift brain accelerations...he has really understood the key of networking that it´s not how many people you know but how well you know the persons you know and applies his coaching tools in a marvellous way, in a way you don´t feel that the coaching is happening! He is a man of action! He puts your life in order by deconstructing your personality and helping you build it with your own resources. Everything you have and know becomes useful to you here and now as he says... He is a valuable treasure that dynamises and enriches your network and life. Mustapha will always help or rather support you in any way he can! Can you think of another person that has 2 masters? Speaks 7 languages? And... is a true citizen of the world Thank you Mustapha for everything you are for me! Sweet Viking regards, Connie Dr. Yael Stein [ 25-Sep-08 11:03am ] Now that I know Muspapha even better, I'm happy to recommend him some more!! You can count on Mustapha to help you out, connect you with the right people and promote you!! Connect to this GREAT friend !! yael Konrad Farnbauer-Schmidt [ 23-Sep-08 12:22am ] Thanks dear Mustapha for your kind care taking. Ecademy is showing many events to me which I never would hear of. It is nice to be here and nice to be connected with you. Belkacem Midoun [ 22-Sep-08 3:36pm ] Source d'inspiration que tu es .... Bravoooooooooooooooo Dennis Broe-Ward [ 22-Sep-08 2:44pm ] HAPPY MUSTAPHA DAY, or should I say "Happy Me Day" to have met him on Ecademy... I have no bearing on providing an adequate testimonial for Mustapha at this stage, just met him five minutes ago, but I have a feeling it wont be long before I do. Thinking about stealing some of his testimonial's though, he has so many I'm sure he wouldn't miss a dozen or so. Whatever this guy has should be bottled, then we could all have some... but wait a moment, Ecademy is a like a particuar kind of bottle, sort of... or perhaps more like Aladdin's Lamp - rub yourself against our good friend Mustapha and I'm inclined to believe you can achieve anything you could ever wish for. Jim Tuffin [ 29-Aug-08 9:30am ] Having experienced the British reserve for many years, I was amazed when I first met Mustapha as he stepped forward and treated me just like his own brother! He offered his love, kindness and experience without reserve and since then he has never failed to offer me kind comforting words as I went through one of the most difficult periods of my life so far. Mustapha kindly offered to give me the benefit of his knowledge to help me resolve the problems I have. I cannot speak more highly of anyone, he is one of those 'one in a million' people ... Thank you Mustapha! If you have not spoken or connected with him, then I suggest you do it today! He is trully a great ambassador and a friend! Best wishes Jim Khalid Elfellah [ 30-Aug-08 8:34pm ] What do you call someone who speaks 7 languages, traveled to 65 countries, and communicates equally eloquently across cultures, physical and virtual borders? Well, you might say: a genius, master networker, a citizen of the world, of the planet, a seasoned facilitator, a best brain designed and superior coach etc... Or you can just call him Mustafa. The best friend you can have! The best business partner ever with strategical insight, discipline, constance and fast accelerations. I saw him in action in Casablanca, Paris and Dallas. All i can say is he at home everywhere. So i simply and highly respect him and recommend him. Your friend, Khalid Cris D [ 28-Aug-08 7:38pm ] Mustapha has been a great communicator and very friendly individual. He has the strong ability to respond to each individual in a timely manner inspite of his busy schedule traveling back and forth. He'll be a great business partner and mentor. Hope you'll stay that way Mustapha Best, Cris DrBalakrishna Murthy Ramaraju [ 28-Aug-08 12:41pm ] Mustapha Amnay Bouga never forgets his friends. Once a friend of Bouga is a friend of Bouga forever. dr. bala krishna murthy ramaraju pramod bothra [ 28-Aug-08 12:06pm ] very nice, so nice......... Thanasis Tsepisis [ 28-Aug-08 10:48am ] Moustapha is an extraordinary person The best networker probably that I have met Bhavin Patel [ 27-Aug-08 11:37am ] Mustapha is both a great networker and an inspirational person. It has been a serendipitous pleasure to have connected with him hear on ecademy and I look forward when we meet in person with bated breath. Our communications have led me to network more effectively. Mustapha leads by example. Keep it up Mustapha! Cristina Felea [ 24-Aug-08 6:12pm ] Here's to you, Mustapha: I recommend all ecademy members the Mustapha Cocktail: Ingredients: /"networking" in person/ + /ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY!/ + /a strong cup of coffee that you need to wake up/ + /a livewire/ + /genuine, caring, loving, great sense of humor/ + / zeal and enthusiasm/ + /communicator and networker/ Take a sip and get safely infected! The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. (Henry Miller) Kindest regards, Cristina Mehmet Yildiz [ 24-Aug-08 2:37pm ] I met Mustapha and found him very friendly and supportive. He encouraged me to stay here and explore the quality of this network. He is a wonderful person to know and I am proud to be in his network. Masa Cemazar [ 24-Aug-08 3:15am ] Mustapha is a dynamic person that puts in a lot of evergy and care into getting to know the people and gives back to community! It is a pleasure and privelege to be in his network! Masa Mostafa Aouich [ 22-Aug-08 7:11am ] I met Mustapha in a student fair in Casablanca in Sheraton Hotel while working with San Diego University and from the first sight, you can depict his humorous spirit as well as his intellectual talent. What astonished me most is the various places he has been as well as his committed engagement in promoting the english language within Morocco to be widely spoken. He is also an active coach and trainer in well recognized universities in Morocco like Al Akhawain University in Ifrane. I hope so that our professional relationship will expand since i am a sales and Marketing Executive with Ras Al Khaimah Free Zone, UAE and such a smart person will be only a big plus in my portfolio. Keep on smiling Mostafa .............. Lejla Gradascevic [ 20-Aug-08 1:43pm ] Mustapha we connected and he is a wonderful and full of life person, Helpful and he gives out great vibe ,,glad to be connected with Barry Hope [ 20-Aug-08 11:17am ] I stumbled across Mustapha's profile while looking for something else - he immediately contacted me with such a warm and heartfelt greeting, it put a huge smile on my face, compensating for this grey UK 'summer' day! It's rare you meet someone who can make you feel so good in a few lines of text. The world needs more Mustaphas. Yuli Huang [ 20-Aug-08 2:05am ] I have just met him. Just met Mustapha! Couple of hours ago and here i am in Ecademy! I am on my way home in Taiwan from Los Angeles where i meet dear Mustapha who introduced me to this great network.He surprised and made me smile by his natural way of communicating. If there is someboy who knows everybody here it is him and he understands everything and everyone. Mustapha is quite and fast. I am happy to have met you. I wish i can stay longer! More happy when you come to Taiwan! See you soon again, Yuli Shaun Wilkinson [ 20-Aug-08 7:36am ] Mustapha !! well what can I say that many of you have not said already. I found his energy and enthusiastic nature enspiring to say the least. Thank you Mustapha for the interest and help. Bless you Shaun Wilkinson Cloud 9 Aviation Rony Schlussas (Swiegers) [ 19-Aug-08 6:28am ] Mustapha has a warm vitality that is

J William (Bill) Moore, HFTC [ 4-Aug-08 7:03pm ] I had a chance to visit with Mustapha on the phone and found a very charming and intelligent man who was full of life. I heard he was a great man to know and I see why now! I am hopeful to meet this great man in Dallas this week! Best wishes and smiles always Mustapha! betty donelly [ 3-Aug-08 10:38pm ] after months of Mustapha's invitations to ecademy, which i unknowingly dismissed, i must confess that he is witty, clever and remarkably kind...he sent me a real inspiring message which glowed deep inside with humanly warmth...betty donelly Rebecca Bromley [ 3-Aug-08 8:36pm ] After half an hour of being a member of Ecademy I had already received a friendly welcoming message from this lovely chap! Seems like a very optimistic, happy kind of guy, the world needs more of these! Gianni Smith [ 3-Aug-08 4:53pm ] Extremely friendly and a pleasure to chat to. He is a kind of person who seems always willing to help. I look forward to becoming his friend. Susan Gould [ 3-Aug-08 11:20am ] What a great networker. A pleasure to be on his list. Dwij Sharma [ 3-Aug-08 10:46am ] Truly speaking this guy impresses a lot with his words. Very approachable and kind with his words, it seems he can't hurt anyone. Its great to befriend with him here. Calvert Brown [ 3-Aug-08 9:13am ] He is such a romantic, fine, very approachable guy! Thank you so much for the wonderful words that touches my heart Mehmet Yildiz [ 2-Aug-08 12:17pm ] A great person, so enthusiastic and fun. Gaynor Polirer [ 1-Aug-08 8:16am ] What a great pro-active, buzzy person. You cant help but be fired up by his enthusiasm. I will certainly pay him a visit next time I am in the US of A. Gaynor kana gopal [ 30-Jul-08 2:14pm ] Mustapha is a livewire! It is hard not to be infected by his zeal and enthusiasm. TIM SAUNDERS [ 29-Jul-08 8:32pm ] Mustapha has provided great personal and business coaching advice to me personally as I provide great travel advice to him as well. Al Shah [ 29-Jul-08 1:44pm ] Mustapha is warm, inviting, inspiring, full of life I'm blessed to have him as part of my network I can feel his energy from here. Highly recommended. The embodiment of Ecademy. Ingrid Collins [ 29-Jul-08 9:54am ] A great, welcoming presence and lively communicator, full of fun and helpfulness. I recommend thoroughly him - he's delightful! Cheryl French [ 29-Jul-08 6:20am ] One of the most liveliest and energetic members on this network and a pleasure to be in contact with! Sylvia Webb [ 28-Jul-08 10:20pm ] Mustapha is one of the warmest, sincerest persons I've met. I've had the pleasure to spend several days this weekend with him in Southern California. He is passionate about his love for people and networking. He shares freely of himself without hesitation. You can feel is excitement at all times. Because of his vast network I have met many wonderful Ecademy members from all over the world. I am truly honored to have such a friend Sylvia hash modha [ 28-Jul-08 10:40am ] well well an act of dynamics! i am retired from the working world but reading what read is like an"INJECTION"of innovative ethics in modern transformation of connecting people together,Bravo Mustapha! i live on beautiful Greek island of Mykonos,come to drink some wine,olives and good conversation! the ever changing world of ours NEEDS young human beings like you to keep order! best wishes Hash Saf Mirza [ 28-Jul-08 8:49am ] Most people (myself included) do come across as jaded from what essentially amounts to doing the same old thing repeatedly. If you are nodding off from the routine, Mustapha is the strong cup of coffee that you need to wake up. The guys energy is infectious. Naomi Paul-Butow.... Your Marketing Guru [ 28-Jul-08 7:09am ] The one person who had me reading till the end....captivating & social. & an example for others... Sue Schreiber [ 28-Jul-08 6:57am ] One word sums it up I think - ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY! Jaya Ray [ 28-Jul-08 5:57am ] Wonderful person..absolutely great energy level, vibrant, full of life and very helpful!! Jim Ziegler [ 10-Jul-08 7:18pm ] If you were ever to ask why Mustapha has more than 650 testimonials, take a moment to read them. Most people leave a simple sentence or two on most Ecademy testimonials. BUT, Mustapha, this man is genuinely loved and respected by all he has touched. Look at what others say about him and compare it to your own experience of him. He is warm and outgoing when he reaches out and touches all. You imediately feel trust and friendship, he is never a stranger once he has met you, however so briefly. I watch him tirelessly connecting with people here, and then; he communicates with all of them...I am honored to say these things from my heart...he is a good man...JIM Errol Blackburn [ 10-Jul-08 7:13pm ] Mustapha is an excellent example of the Brotherhood (including the feminine) of mankind. We are from many lands, we speak various languages; we display a myriad of magnificent skin tones; But essentially we are one people. Yes Mustapha, you touched my heart too. May your biggest challenge be, having to grow daily to keep up with your ever increasing success. Duncan Bolam [ 9-Jul-08 9:06pm ] It is not often that I receive a sincerely positive and powerful vibe from someone in another country via an email. The world needs more people like Mustafa. That unbridled enthusiasm can only be good for us all. Thank you Duncan Bruce Gunn [ 9-Jul-08 7:10pm ] Mustafa's enthusiasm is contagious, we will meet one day! "Kindness in Words Creates Confidence… Kindness in Thinking Creates Profoundness.. Kindness in Giving Creates Love" Thank you for your kind words Ted Green GotWiFi Cowboy [ 8-Jul-08 3:17pm ] wow, what an uplifting person. I am blessed to have him know me.... Fariq Razi Muchsun [ 7-Jul-08 8:20pm ] To newbie, Mustapha's welcome message gives you the feeling that you are mostly accepted in this community. And just like the profile he wrote, his welcome message also gives you impressions of his great eagerness to do the best in every aspect of his life. The great thing is, he wants others to be as eager as him in doing their best. His eagerness is contagious. You can taste it in the air! Keep up the good work! Rajan Baliah [ 7-Jul-08 5:46pm ] Mustapha is a GREAT Guy. He made me really welcome in the first few days I joined Ecademy and his club! He is a constant motivator and helpful person. It has indeed been good connecting with him and I hope to network further. WELL DONE! Rajan Baliah Malaysia Sue Browning [ 7-Jul-08 4:07pm ] One of the most refreshing messages I have received here on Ecademy - you fill me with inspiration, and I can feel your energy from here. Hanka Kastelicova [ 7-Jul-08 2:12pm ] Mustapha is like an Ocean of Joy, Ideas and positive Energy. He is so full of Passion and adventure, that I felt after reading his messages - "Oh, God, it would be good to do something wild, to meet people, have a good time…" I can t go to California or Casablanca meeting, but I will find some similar possibility closer to me. Definitely he is someone who is not easy to forget. I am really glad, that he contacted me. Thank you, Mustapha! Rudy DEWEER [ 7-Jul-08 2:10pm ] Mustapha is a great gentleman, he is surely an excellent facilitator for Team Resource Management in various domains. Andrea de Palm [ 6-Jul-08 4:16pm ] Mustapha many thanks for your warm welcome and inspiring words! All the best, Andrea Jaime Simmons [ 6-Jul-08 3:39pm ] I think Mustapha is warm and inviting. Very energetic and welcoming. Cant wait to see what opportunities arise in the future! sima sepahi [ 5-Jul-08 12:21pm ] An initiative taker. A wonder ful person. Two thumbs up for him. Bob Nicoll [ 5-Jul-08 7:45am ] Mustapha has a very high energy level, which is very easy to appreciate. He is one who can assist you in accomplishing your goals. Thank you for your support of Remember the Ice . Best regards, Bob Monty Gamble [ 4-Jul-08 12:25pm ] Mustapha! Thanks for the warm welcome and reaching out. Your enthusiasm is contagious. You make me want to be a better Ecademy member. I look forward to networking and collaborating with you in the future. Monty Gamble Short Hills, New Jersey, USA Janet Sanders-Hill [ 4-Jul-08 9:17am ] He makes me smile! Riyaz Mahendy [ 3-Jul-08 11:31am ] Hi everyone! I received a message from Mustapha, and we have one thing in common: Morocco! I visited Morocco with my wife and friend late last year and loved the place. The Cafe-Au-Lait in Morocco is second to none. That good, even me being a non-coffee drinker. And Mustapha represents every bit of Morocco: high in enthusiam and energy. Thanks, Riyaz Christina Mai Hansen [ 3-Jul-08 12:52am ] Mustapha, you are truly an amazing friend and networker. Thanks for your support. May all good things flow to you in the future. Shubhankar Rahul

Carlo Branca [ 30-Jun-08 3:15pm ] Mustapha is networking impersonate! I had the pleasure to meet him in person in a Ecademy's event in Lubjana, he is a gentleman, trustworthy and helpfull like no others. I had also the pleasure to see his great pubblic speaking ability. It's a honour for me to be part of your network Ed Torres [ 30-Jun-08 2:21pm ] Mustapha has an impressive profile and will be a big asset to our business/network experience. Take advantage of his great skill before it's too late (he will soon become a celebrity). JOHN GORMAN [ 30-Jun-08 11:39am ] Mustapha is very helpful and approachable. It is a pleasure to contact him Koshy Samuel, MBA [ 30-Jun-08 5:42am ] What a wonderful person - Great opportunity to meet Mustapha here in ecademy Hopefully in person soon Chey Mann [ 30-Jun-08 4:36am ] Very helpful and easy to understand Dee Clare [ 30-Jun-08 4:26am ] Mustafa I understand why you are no.7 globally, your message travels at lightning speed packed with energy. Dee Dean Hopkins [ 30-Jun-08 4:20am ] Infectious...Energetic...Magnetic....Positive....Dynamic.....Loveable....Charismatic....Friendly....Force of nature .... ........Thankyou Mustapha...Dean Siu Ling Hui [ 30-Jun-08 3:04am ] Mustapha is hysterical - in the best way possible. Such incredible infectious postive energy that just radiates off the screen. He's one of those rare beings that puts a smile on everyone's face and makes the world a brighter place. Go, Mustapha!!! Siu Ling Wally Klatch [ 30-Jun-08 2:25am ] There aren't many like Mustapha - it's a pleasure to have such a jewel sparkling in the community Damien Anyasi [ 30-Jun-08 1:03am ] This fine gentleman is making things happen worldwide Linda Trup [ 30-Jun-08 12:41am ] I am so pleased to have connected with Mustapha. He is full of energy and will give you get up and go when yours has got up and gone!!! Thomas Vereecken [ 29-Jun-08 11:48pm ] I'm glad to get in contact with a great networker and speaker like Mustapha, thanks to ecademy! When you read his messages you can taste the force of words, amazing! Full of energy and motivation, what people need in networking. Thanks for your support! Valentyn "Capoeira" Varenikov [ 29-Jun-08 10:41pm ] Mustapha is very kind and helping person! Great to be connected to him. Valentine, Model and Actor Ann Shaw [ 28-Jun-08 4:04pm ] Mustapha is full of life - a really positive energy to have around you. Ann Maksim Tkachiboroda [ 28-Jun-08 1:57pm ] Very talkative person! )) Hope to become good friends and partners. Steven Petty [ 28-Jun-08 1:01pm ] Everyone is unique but some are more so than others. I think Mustapha may be one of the most unique people in the world. Bassam Bokhowa [ 28-Jun-08 12:57pm ] Mustafa is full of life and love. I wish him all the best. Regards, Bassam Bokhowa Scott Dennison Wheeler [ 28-Jun-08 12:43pm ] Mustapha walks his talk. Thank you Mustapha for your tireless support and wisdom. Thank you for walking with integrity. Your assistance in increasing my visibility is deeply appreciated. Shah Alam [ 28-Jun-08 12:39pm ] Great energy and motivation keep it up Mustapha Nayna Shriyan [ 28-Jun-08 5:40am ] My name is nayna and i am new here, Mustafa has been very kind leaving such a sweet welcome message for me. He seems so full of energy and passionate about his work and life He has been very encouraging ! Lorna Allen [ 27-Jun-08 11:31pm ] What can I say? He brought a smile to my face and lifted my spirits today! What a lovely person. Maggie DeGennaro

Barbara Klaus [ 16-Jun-08 9:33pm ] Mustapha had a great seminar for us in Ljubljana (Slovenija) on our first Ecademy meeting. He is very open, kind and professional at the same time. I like the way he gives and how teach us a lot. I like being with him and spending time with him and hope he will come again and on every meeting we will have in Slovenia in future. You can learn a lot from Mustapha. Connect with him. Love Barbara Wendy Norman [ 16-Jun-08 4:29pm ] I am not sure what I can say that hasn't aleady been said! His enthusiasm gives you a 'high' more than any vintage champagne. I am just disappointed that I won't be able to meet him in London on the 19th June; I can feel a visit to 'Ricks Bar' coming sometime soon though. Abby Lim [ 16-Jun-08 12:17pm ] Even yet to meet Mustapha but he has welcomed me warmly to ecademy......and a great encouragement to me....deeply appreciate it Jaco Venter [ 16-Jun-08 11:20am ] I declare over YOU:You will arise with the wings of strength to face each challenge. I declare joy to you, I declare life to every dead hope. I speak peace to every storm you face. I pray that you will stand strong & your enemies will bow to GOD & call you blessed.. In the Mighty Name of Jesus! AMEN SO BE IT! Veronique Demarbre [ 16-Jun-08 10:09am ] I was (I'm) pleased to know Mustapha Amnay Bouga. He's a great communicator, an enthusiast person and a strong professional networker. His experience, his sense of psychology and sense of humor (I'm sure he has) can't let me indifferent. Mustapha, you can move a mountain! vero Anne-Sonia King [ 16-Jun-08 9:32am ] I have not met Mustapha yet, but am so looking forward to meeting him. He appears to be a very dynamic and interesting individual! Maddie Rochay [ 16-Jun-08 9:17am ] As a newcommer it was very nice to be greeted by Mustapha. He strikes you as very friendly, energetic and eager to help. It is great to have somebody like him on our network. Madeleine ma.linda aguilar [ 16-Jun-08 5:29am ] Mr. Bouga is amazing, warm and enthusiastic. I've never met someone like you in ecademy. I'm not into business though I would really like to learn everything from it more so from an experienced person like you who has a wide range of contacts. Glenda Burgess [ 16-Jun-08 2:17am ] If there was a way to bottle enthusiasm it would have Mustapha's label! Vijay Krishnan [ 15-Jun-08 7:00pm ] Mustapha seems to be a typical livewire to the core. A die hard enthusiast and of course full of energy and strength. Here is to mental peace and happiness..Amin Annette Bishop [ 15-Jun-08 6:19pm ] Mustapha is wonderful. He is a multi-talented individual who puts forth all his efforts and talents to get the job done quickly and correctly for you. Visit his profile to find out more about Mustapha. GREAT JOB Mustapha!!! I look forward to working with you in the future. Annette terry lewsey [ 15-Jun-08 3:50pm ] Very Friendly chap helping out a newbie ecademy novice like me thanks Terry KEN CHIN SHIH CHUAN [ 15-Jun-08 3:34pm ] Mustapha , Congrats on being Morocco's No. 1 Ecademy Networker. Know any Accountant in your country who would like to network with me ? TQ KEN DILEEP KUMAR KELATH [ 15-Jun-08 4:13am ] A true net worker and a very valuable member of the academy ! I'm honored to be connected to Mr. Mustapha. May you find peace where ever you are..... Dileep. DR JOY Madden [ 14-Jun-08 6:15pm ] A real gentleman with endless planes of 'perception' ! Josée Bayeur [ 14-Jun-08 12:46am ] Mustapha is on fire, I want him on MY side! Emanuele Pannella Baldocchi [ 13-Jun-08 5:43pm ] "Great" is the word most used for describe him. There are a lot of word..but nothing can define Mustapha and his energy! He's a "key word" of ecademy, a very specimen networker. Very pleased to meet you, Emanuele Harry Trivedi [ 13-Jun-08 10:55am ] Mustapha, i think you are the event side of ecademy . a three dimentional character, always moving , energetic and out to show spirit to others...i wonder how it would be when i meet you in person. harry Mike "Bristol Mortgage" Bowen [ 13-Jun-08 10:37am ] Vibrant, energetic and great fun. That's what i look for in people! Need more in the world like Mustapha! Connect with him guys! Kunal Roychoudhury [ 13-Jun-08 10:34am ] Mustapha is a great networker. It is my pleasure to have him in my network. YP Lai (BNI) [ 2-Jun-08 9:36am ] Having Mustapha in your network is a definite must! He is one of the most enthusiastic and energetic networker i have met on eCademy. Creating value in people's lives is important to Mustapha, and is certainly a joy to be in contact with him. Cheers, YP Lai Jill Poet [ 1-Jun-08 11:09pm ] Mustapha is so full of energy, so warm and inviting. I wish i could go to Casablanca and meet him now. I'm sure we'll meet one day - but I wonder where that will be. Tamás Locher [ 1-Jun-08 10:16pm ] Mustapha is a very dynamic person eagerly looking for new business opportunities. A real networker! Sheila Bednar [ 1-Jun-08 8:20pm ] Mustapha is well connected and has a great entrepreneurial spirit! Sunil Prabhu [ 1-Jun-08 8:07pm ] Wonderful profile for a really wonderful person. What energy levels... Nice to know you Mustapha vasant soni [ 1-Jun-08 11:26am ] Mustapha is wrote so courageously that everybody can get inspired from his words, and his picture saws that hold world in your hand and you will become king. greattttt thank you Mustapha for your uplifting message. best wishes t c. Irma Jogic [ 1-Jun-08 11:06am ] Mustapha, I see u just love unwrapping the chocolates from the chocolate box! After only hearing about him and his energy, I joined the ecademy and now had the chance to feel it myself! Thank you for your uplifting welcome message! I can't wait to learn from you! Take care and all the best! Frauke Golding [ 1-Jun-08 9:14am ] I have learn't so much from Mustapha and am still learning. A real pleasure to connect. Zlatomir Zarkov [ 31-May-08 10:47pm ] What to say about Mustapha? Great speaker. Great source of enthusiasm and energy. I'm really honored to have such a person in my contacts. Thanks for make me feel like I'm native here. Manu Spaur [ 31-May-08 9:42pm ] Mustapha, I like your enthusiasm! laurence paris [ 31-May-08 8:21pm ] Mustapha, You are so dynamic and extremely positive, a real winner... You seem to understand beautifully that Each one of us has intrinsic qualities, you help us develop them in a positive way, You just let them blossom, and whatever you are or do, you are or do it always with a smile and a firm and positive attitude... You are an Epicurian full of life and action! So many qualities like the flowers which follow us on the road of life... It's a pleasure to connect with you! Sandeep Singh [ 31-May-08 7:16pm ] Thank you for the warm response. Your great inter personal skills is what makes you number one in Morocco. I Simon Barry [ 31-May-08 7:15pm ] Mustapha is an excellent contact to have, infectious, useful and helpful. A pleasure to connect with. Ritesh Arora [ 31-May-08 7:10pm ] Mustapha is fun to have in one's network. He is a great networker and really works hard with people in his network. Thank you for being part of my network Mustapha. Ritesh Jim Ziegler [ 31-May-08 6:32pm ] Mustapha reached out and was among the first to welcome me here. After lurking around in the background here on Ecademy for a while and reading posts and forums, I realized that he is truly a driving force in all he's involved with. My admiration...JIM Davina Nicholas [ 31-May-08 3:22pm ] Dear Mustapha you make my heart smile. Have a lovely day! Davina Davina Nicholas [ 31-May-08 1:17pm ] Mustapha is very helpfull, has got a wonderful attitude and it is a pleasure to connect

5 SiGns YOu'rE MOBiLE EVEryWhErE fOr EVEryOne 1. You Don’t get in the way 2. You Optimize, optimize, optimize 3. You “Ho...

5 SiGns YOu'rE MOBiLE EVEryWhErE fOr EVEryOne 1. You Don’t get in the way 2. You Optimize, optimize, optimize 3. You “Honor permissions. Period.” 4. You Use - but don’t overuse - SMS 5. You Think flexibly

In 1960, The New York Times printed a story about advertizing conventions held in NYC. At one meeting the Times reported of a “mobile marketing” company that deploys researchers to 1000s of Shopping malls.

Those researchers would study consumer behaviors, from engagement through action. The mobile marketing company would use their research to inform its clients’ outreach efforts.

At a different meeting, one advertising executive unwittingly defined the ethos for mobile marketers. “What people think of us is shaped largely by what we do,” he said.

“The dull commercial, the uninteresting moment between 2 interesting acts… all of these contribute to a bad image of our business.” 56 years later, mobile marketing still strives to meet people where they are, at any time of day.

And the challenge of mobile marketing remains the same: How should you insinuate your work into the lives of other people without mistreating them?

In 2016, “mobile” still refers to your devices, but it also reminds us that marketing is fluid. A nonprofit or purpose-driven organization can choose to be in close contact with its audience at any and every imaginable moment of the day.

For an organization to distinguish itself, it needs to develop tools and strategies for turning that constant contact into meaningful connection, and avoid a few common and costly mistakes. Here are a few pointers.

Challenge of mobile marketing remains the same: How to insinuate your work into the lives of other people without mistreating them? A nonprofit or purpose-driven group can choose to be in close contact with its audience at any moment of the day.

5 SiGns YOU MAKE StrAnGErS fALL iN LOve With YOur CONtEnt 1. You Make a strong 1st impression with powerful branding 2. ...

5 SiGns YOU MAKE StrAnGErS fALL iN LOve With YOur CONtEnt 1. You Make a strong 1st impression with powerful branding 2. You Offer premium content for free to win people over

3. You Win the trust of your readers with social proof 4. You Create more infographics and video content to differentiate yourself 5. You Grow your FB Group to create brand advocates

To stand any chance of catching their eyeballs, you need to convert your blog into a strong brand that not only contains supreme quality content, but also looks pleasing to the eye and is backed by tons of social proof.

In fact, in the digital world brands don’t get a 2nd chance, because online consumers have short attention spans and they’re already bombarded with hundreds of posts, emails, social media posts and ads every day.

That’s the only way to stand out in this overcrowded blogosphere. With so many blogs popping up on the web every day, your target users are overwhelmed with content that’s being thrown at them from every angle.

To stand any chance of catching their eyeballs, you need to convert your blog into a strong brand that not only contains supreme quality content, but also looks pleasing to the eye and is backed by tons of social proof at 1st sight. No 2nd chances.

9 SiGns YOU TAp iNtO YOur iNNEr MArKEtinG SEEr 1. You Identify and monitor change 2. Marketing more art than science 3. ...

9 SiGns YOU TAp iNtO YOur iNNEr MArKEtinG SEEr 1. You Identify and monitor change 2. Marketing more art than science 3. Recruit i-Shaped And T-Shaped People 4. Storytelling and Empathy Are Paramounts

5. You Integrate Learning And Performance 6. Support Lifelong Learning 7. You Hire Avid and Constant Learners 8. Millenials Wish to Work for Self personal Development 9. You Learn The Art of Forsight And Anticipation

While companies are driving customer education through content marketing, the trend in successful organizations is that education starts within. Learning and performance support are increasingly being integrated across teams.

Just talk to some millennial job candidates, who probably won’t accept a job unless you can show them your company provides training and development for future career growth.

Garry Golden, a futurist and expert on emerging trends at innovation-training firm futurethink, suggests we need to align talent development with the forces that are driving change in marketing.

While companies are driving customer education through content marketing, the trend in successful organizations is that education starts within. Learning and performance support are increasingly being integrated across teams.

5 SiGns YOU GivE EffECtivE fEEDBACK tO TEAm 1. Describe your goal clearly 2. Ask for suggestions 3. Listen carefully 4. ...

5 SiGns YOU GivE EffECtivE fEEDBACK tO TEAm 1. Describe your goal clearly 2. Ask for suggestions 3. Listen carefully 4. Thank the person 5. Repeat this process with additional people 6. Work with a coach 7. Use colleagues or friends as coaches

By providing effective feedback well, you can ignite your co-workers, helping them and your organization thrive. Providing effective feedback is a crucial managerial skill. Highlight the progress your team is making.

Researchers Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer have shown that a sense of progress is the most powerful motivator in the workplace, even stronger than personal recognition or pay.

Encourage people’s strengths by providing your employees with specific feedback on how they are helping your team or organization. Focus on how you deliver the feedback.

Home in on potential blind spots that could be limiting the power of your feedback — or, worse, having a detrimental effect on employees. Gather feedback from others.

By providing effective feedback well, you can ignite your co-workers, helping them and your organization thrive. Providing feedback is a crucial managerial skill. Highlight the progress your team is making. It is stronger than recognition or pay.

7 SiGns YOU LEArn FrOm AthLetes frOm ALi tO MESsi ViA WiLLiAms 1. Successes are not our own 2. Fear is destructive, it c...

7 SiGns YOU LEArn FrOm AthLetes frOm ALi tO MESsi ViA WiLLiAms 1. Successes are not our own 2. Fear is destructive, it condemns to failure 3. Talent is a gift. But without hard work, it is meaningless

4. You Don’t measure your success by comparing it to that of others 5. You Become your biggest fan, not a braggart, but by loving who you are 6. You reconcile with those you have fought for a greater good to be achieved

7. “It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” 8. Sometimes you need to be the bigger person and apologize, even if it’s not required, in order to keep the peace.

2 things that the Olympics serve to remind us: 1st, people from countries that are enemies can come together, live together, compete with one another in peace, and go back home with a wider perspective.

2nd, there are people with such commitment to their goals, that they will sacrifice whatever is necessary to achieve them. So, what do remarkable athletes show and tell us about life? What lessons can we learn?

2 things that the Olympics remind us: 1st, people from countries that are enemies come, live together, compete with one another in peace, and go back home with a wider perspective. 2nd, there are people with such commitment to their goals

15 SiGns YOUr COmmutE iS PrODuCtivE 1. You Create your to-do list for the day 2. You Clear your inbox 3. You Set and che...

15 SiGns YOUr COmmutE iS PrODuCtivE 1. You Create your to-do list for the day 2. You Clear your inbox 3. You Set and check in on your goals 4. You Learn a language 5. You Listen to a podcast or audiobook

6. You Read an actual book 7. You Read the articles you've bookmarked 8. You Read the newest posts from your favorite online sources 9. You Get your social media fix out of the way

10. You Brush up on your marketing & sales progress 11. You iOt Clean your house 12. You Clean up your Twitter feed 13. You Get zen 14. You Set a step goal for the day 15. You Plan your meals.

And even if you're lucky enough to love your work, it never hurts to have that time to yourself to take care of the things that these apps are made to do.

So get happy, get healthy and get "appy" - it's one of the best ways to make the most of your precious time. Your commute doesn't have to be so bad, after all.

Free mobile apps that'll make your commute more productive -- and maybe even more fun. It never hurts to have that time to yourself to take care of the things that these apps are made to do. Best way to make the most of your precious time.

7 SiGns YOU KEEP SALES REAL + EffECtivE 1. You Adopt A New ABC 2. People buy on their time 3. You Practice 4. You're Ple...

7 SiGns YOU KEEP SALES REAL + EffECtivE 1. You Adopt A New ABC 2. People buy on their time 3. You Practice 4. You're Pleasantly persistent 5. You Test and learn 6. Take no as info 7. You ask hard and easy questions.

To define your destiny, to accomplish anything in work or life, you need to know how to sell. To sell yourself, your ideas, or your stuff. Getting a job or promotion, getting buy-in from coworkers on a new project biz or not.

What’s one thing people like Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson have in common? They are examples of people who are superb at selling. Selling isn’t just for sales.

Inspiring people to volunteer, finding distribution for a film, getting press, raising money for a nonprofit, raising venture capital, starting a company, recruiting people … these all require “selling.”

Selling in the traditional sense can be noble, too. The skill of selling brings money into companies while inspiring customers to adopt new practices. People who sell are on the front lines every day with customers

To define destiny, to accomplish anything in work or life, you need to know how to sell. To sell yourself, your ideas. Getting a job or promotion, buy-in from coworkers on a new project bizt. Selling isn't just for salespeople. It is a life skill.

50 HOttESt HALLOwEEn COStUMES On the iNtErnEt 1. Harley Quinn 2. Joker 3. Superhero 4. Pirate 5. Wonder Woman 6. Witch 7...

50 HOttESt HALLOwEEn COStUMES On the iNtErnEt 1. Harley Quinn 2. Joker 3. Superhero 4. Pirate 5. Wonder Woman 6. Witch 7. Batman 8. Star Wars 9. Clown 10. Dinosaur 11. Mermaid 12. Pikachu 13. Zombie

14. Minnie Mouse 15. Deadpool 16. Vampire 18. Princess 19. Minions 20. Unicorn 21. Ghostbusters 22. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 23. Catwoman 24. Pumpkin 25. Tyrannosaurus 26. Lion 27. Doll 28. Mickey Mouse

29. PAW Patrol 30. Cheerleader 31. Little Red Riding Hood 32. Skeleton 33. The Mad Hatter 34. Fairy 35. Angel 36. Tinker Bell 37. Ninja 38. Ghost 39. Superman 40. Rabbit 41. Stormtrooper 42. Princess Jasmine 43. Bear

44. 1980s 45. Power Rangers 46. Belle 47. Batgirl 48. Steampunk 49. Darth Vader 50. Cowboy

Spending on Halloween costumes is forecast to reach $3.1 billion this year, according to the NRF. Adult costumes will account for $1.54 billion in sales and children’s costumes will account for $1.17 billion, Bing data shows.

3 SiGns YOU NuDGe CuStOmErs WithOut PuShinG ThEm AwAy 1. Recommendations Nudging Power 2. Transparency Does not Reduce P...

3 SiGns YOU NuDGe CuStOmErs WithOut PuShinG ThEm AwAy 1. Recommendations Nudging Power 2. Transparency Does not Reduce Positive Benefits 3. Transparency Does not Protect Consumers

Policy makers and other consumer advocates can encourage consumers to consider why they prefer the default or its alternative before making a decision.

Especially in situations where marketers are likely to set defaults to benefit themselves at consumers’ expense. This can diminish the biasing effect of defaults and enable consumers to make choices they themselves deem to be in their best interests.

In situations where marketers are likely to set defaults to benefit themselves at consumers’ expense. This can diminish the biasing effect of defaults and enable consumers to make choices they themselves deem to be in their best interest.

7 CurSe Of KnOwLEDGE' LiftinG StEps 1. Know audience’s base subject knowledge 2. Tone down vocabulary 3. Tell a story 4....

7 CurSe Of KnOwLEDGE' LiftinG StEps 1. Know audience’s base subject knowledge 2. Tone down vocabulary 3. Tell a story 4. Ditch abstractions 5. You Give examples 6. You Use visuals 7. You Get an outside point-of-view

Ironically, the more you know about the Curse of Knowledge, the less likely you are to fall victim to it. Moving forward, try these practices when you sit down to explain something in writing.

The Curse of Knowledge is rooted in the fact that you were once in your reader’s shoes, void of the vast knowledge you now possess. How to Defeat Your Most Dangerous Writing Habit.

When you write about your area of expertise, try to channel that less-informed version of yourself. It will make you sympathetic to the challenges your readers are facing because, once upon a time, you were there, too.

It affects us all, especially when we write. It’s particularly dangerous on paper because, unlike being face-to-face, readers (i.e., listeners) can’t ask questions and writers (i.e., tappers) can’t gauge reactions.

The Curse of Knowledge is a documented cognitive bias. The Curse can sneak its way into an email, a landing page, a web page, or a blog post, which is why anyone who writes should be perking up right now ...

Ultimately, if you want to be understood and help people grow, don't tap your song, sing it! Sing it loudly, so that everyone can hear the notes. The above techniques will help you do that.

The Curse can sneak its way into an email, a landing page, a web page, or a blog post, which is why anyone who writes should be perking up right now … Learn everything you need to know to protect yourself from "The Curse of Knowledge."

50 HALLOwEEn MOSt-SEArChED COS On the iNtErnEt 1. Harley Quinn 2. Joker 3. Superhero 4. Pirate 5. Wonder Woman 6. Witch ...

50 HALLOwEEn MOSt-SEArChED COS On the iNtErnEt 1. Harley Quinn 2. Joker 3. Superhero 4. Pirate 5. Wonder Woman 6. Witch 7. Batman 8. Star Wars 9. Clown 10. Dinosaur 11. Mermaid 12. Pikachu 13. Zombie

14. Minnie Mouse 15. Deadpool 16. Vampire 18. Princess 19. Minions 20. Unicorn 21. Ghostbusters 22. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 23. Catwoman 24. Pumpkin 25. Tyrannosaurus 26. Lion 27. Doll 28. Mickey Mouse

29. PAW Patrol 30. Cheerleader 31. Little Red Riding Hood 32. Skeleton 33. The Mad Hatter 34. Fairy 35. Angel 36. Tinker Bell 37. Ninja 38. Ghost 39. Superman 40. Rabbit 41. Stormtrooper 42. Princess Jasmine 43. Bear

44. 1980s 45. Power Rangers 46. Belle 47. Batgirl 48. Steampunk 49. Darth Vader 50. Cowboy

What are the most popular Halloween costume outfits? AKA – What everyone else is going as. Have a quick look at the most-searched costume ideas so far to ensure you’re not going to be the 20th unicorn rocking up on the night.

26 HALLOWEEn DiY LASt-MinutE COS iDEAS fOr MArKEtErS AnD TECH GEEKs. 1. Alt Text 2. SEO Ninja 3. Mobile App 4. Instagram...

26 HALLOWEEn DiY LASt-MinutE COS iDEAS fOr MArKEtErS AnD TECH GEEKs. 1. Alt Text 2. SEO Ninja 3. Mobile App 4. Instagram 5. Ghostwriter 6. White Space 7. Error 404 Page 8. (Monty) Python

9. Facebook 10. Unicorn 11. Phishing Emails 12. Copycat 13. Fully Vested 14. Nerd 15. Pokémon GO Trainer 16. Beyoncé Singing "Hold Up" 17. Peach 18. Barb from Stranger Things

19. Google Algorithm Update 21. Dancing Girls Emoji 22. Series A Round of Funding 23. Snapchat Filters 24. BuzzFeed Reactions 25. Snapchat Ghosts 26. Instagram Filters

We want you to have fun this Halloween, so we're taking the work out if it for you. We've compiled a list of DIY Halloween costume ideas that are easy to put together, inexpensive, and work appropriate.

Halloween is a fun holiday, and it doesn't get the attention it deserves. Halloween doesn't have recognizable songs or vacation days associated with it, and it falls on a busy time of year for most people in the workforce.

As a bonus, many are marketing and technology-themed, so even if your family and friends don't get your costume, your colleagues definitely will

Want to rock a business-appropriate Halloween costume at the office this year? This list will give you easy-to-create, marketing- and tech-themed costume ideas. As a bonus, many are marketing and technology-themed. 26 office halloween cos ideas.

5+ HALLOwEEn SALES BOOStErS 1. Decorate store & social profiles 2. Get “spooktastic” images 3. Offer seasonal discounts ...

5+ HALLOwEEn SALES BOOStErS 1. Decorate store & social profiles 2. Get “spooktastic” images 3. Offer seasonal discounts 4. Add spook factor to customer’s experience 5. Host photo contest 6. Be helpful & give advice

According to the National Retail Federation, Halloween spending will reach $8.4 billion this year on decorations, candy, costumes and even the odd visit to a haunted house.

Come October and brands plunge right into marketing their products and services for Halloween. So, here are a few tricks (as treats) you can put in your bag to create a great social media campaign for your brand.

Come End of October and brands plunge into marketing their products and services for Halloween. So, here are a few tricks (as treats) you can put in your bag to create a great social media campaign for your brand. $8.4 billion spending this year.

3 SiGns YOur SALEs ArE EffECtivE 1. Your Presentation Timing Matters 2. You Create Anchors 3. You Recognize ReactanceHow...

3 SiGns YOur SALEs ArE EffECtivE 1. Your Presentation Timing Matters 2. You Create Anchors 3. You Recognize Reactance

How the brain creates a buying decision is no longer a mystery; there’s a science to it. When you embrace this science, you’ll have a way of viewing and relating to buyers that is accurate, predictable, and reproducible.

What’s more, you’ll find that buyers will respond more favorably to you because your way of approaching them will be aligned with how their brains are wired to be influenced and create buying decisions.

How the brain creates a buying decision is no longer a mystery; there’s a science to it. When you embrace this science, you’ll have a way of viewing and relating to buyers that is accurate, predictable, and reproducible. Buyers respond favorably.

3 SiGns YOU StAnD Out At 1St BitE 1.  Amplify: Find An Ownable Attitude And Live It Loud 2.  Unlock: Unleash Untapped As...

3 SiGns YOU StAnD Out At 1St BitE 1. Amplify: Find An Ownable Attitude And Live It Loud 2. Unlock: Unleash Untapped Associations Within Your Category 3. Collide: Find Connection From A Completely Different World

Food is one of the great levellers; we all need it, and it’s a multi-sensorial experience that hits us all right in the pleasure centre. However, when you’re promoting food and drink to the masses, it can’t be tasted, smelled or touched. It can only be seen.

A person’s System 1 ‘Autopilot’ (which learns by association and makes snap decisions on our behalf every second of every day) is largely influenced by what we see.

Therefore, it’s vital that marketers understand the visual language of food, the categories that influence it, and the world that we build around it; the semiotic codes that we broadcast and the resultant response that we generate in our potential customer.

Marketers need to take their brands further with a deep understanding of the underlying visual language of food appeal.

Whether they decide to amplify, unlock or collide the brand’s visual DNA, there are some clear approaches to help brands to find a new look and catch the eye for that first bite.

Across all three approaches, marketers need to do more than just understand (and copy) category trends to connect their brands with consumers and stand out from the crowd.

Because when it comes to food marketing, what you do or say, is not nearly as important as how you look. Marketers need to take their brands further with a deep understanding of the underlying visual language of food appeal.

Food is one of the great levellers; we all need it, and it’s a multi-sensorial experience that hits us all right in the pleasure centre. However, when you’re promoting food and drink to the masses, it can’t be tasted, smelled or touched. It can only

9+ HiGhLy ShArED ViSuAL COntEntS On iNStAGrAm 1. Quotes 2. Faces 3. Landscapes and scenery 4. Food 5. Historical photos ...

9+ HiGhLy ShArED ViSuAL COntEntS On iNStAGrAm 1. Quotes 2. Faces 3. Landscapes and scenery 4. Food 5. Historical photos 6. User-generated content 7. Animals 8. Behind Scenes 9. Real-time trends 10. Video stories

To make a splash you need a diverse strategy, one that leverages a mix of several of these types of Content. Maintain consistency with that mix of content. Because without consistency, your engagement will dwindle.

Instagram presents a growing opportunity for you to engage with your ideal audience. But there is no perfect way to master an Instagram strategy and tap into the visual senses of today’s social media world.

Our attention spans are diminishing. We crave short, sharp bits of content that we can consume in a heartbeat without much thinking or effort. To make a splash you need a diverse strategy that leverages a mix of several of these types of contents.

51+ SiGns YOU Amp UP YOUr BrAin POwEr. The 52-weeks in a year offer plenty of opportunity to pencil into the calendar ne...

51+ SiGns YOU Amp UP YOUr BrAin POwEr. The 52-weeks in a year offer plenty of opportunity to pencil into the calendar new ways to grow and test ourselves, to try something big or start small.

Staying firmly inside our comfort zones is that it creates psychological barriers that can lead to real limitations, says author and Denis Waitley, who advised Olympic athletes on how to gain a mental edge.

Because we haven’t done anything dynamic in a long time, we begin to think we can’t, he explains. Below are 50-plus ideas that will help boost creativity, add zest to life and amp up your brainpower.

Because we haven’t done anything dynamic in a long time, we begin to think we can’t, he explains. Below are 50-plus ideas that will help boost creativity, add zest to life and amp up your brainpower. 51 tips to get out of Comfort zones in harmony.

7 SiGns YOU FiNE-tUne YOur MinD 1. You Develop a sleeping cycle 2. You Write down your Negative Thoughts in a Journal 3....

7 SiGns YOU FiNE-tUne YOur MinD 1. You Develop a sleeping cycle 2. You Write down your Negative Thoughts in a Journal 3. You Stop thinking in extremes 4. You Deal with facts

5. You stop mind-reading 6. You Accentuate the positive and embrace it when it does happen 7. You Re-frame your circumstances and actively seek out positives

Negative thinking is a challengeable habit through knowledge, strategy and behavior. As we understand the cause of negativity we develop a positive outlook that delivers rewards in our personal and professional lives!

Negative thinking is a challengeable habit through knowledge, strategy and behavior. As we understand the cause of negativity we develop a positive outlook that delivers rewards in our personal and professional lives!

15 QuEStiOns RECrUitErS LOve iN SALEs iNtErViEws 1. “In this role, what distinguishes a great  from a good performer?” 2...

15 QuEStiOns RECrUitErS LOve iN SALEs iNtErViEws 1. “In this role, what distinguishes a great from a good performer?” 2. “How would you describe the culture?” 3. “How do you get hires up-to-speed with products?”

4. “What’s the ramp-up period like?” 5. “How do managers deliver constructive criticism?” 6. “Where do you get your best leads? What’s the process like from there?” 7. “Which tools do your salespeople use?”

9. “What’s a typical day in this position like?” 10. “How do you measure success for this role?” 11. “I read on your website that one of your company values is X. In practice, how is that value manifested?”

12. “What books do you recommend prior to joining [company]?” 13. “How collaborative is your team?” 14. “If I’m hired for this role and I do really well, Are there set goals that I can hit to get to the next step?”

15. “What was the transition from [interviewer’s old company] to [interviewer’s current company] like?” 16. “Do you have any reservations about my fit for this position that I could address?”

When you’re interviewing, it’s easy to think the hard part’s over by the time the hiring manager asks, “Do you have any questions for me?” But in reality, this is another chance for them to evaluate you.

Pose a question about salary or the vacation policy, and they might assume you’re more interested in money or perks than the company’s success. Say you don’t have any questions, and they’ll assume you’re not curious.

So, what should you ask? 16 questions, sourced from real sales recruiters and hiring managers, make an excellent impression (not to mention tell you valuable information about your potential employer).

Pose a question about salary or the vacation policy, and they might assume you’re more interested in money or perks than the company’s success. Say you don’t have any questions, and they’ll assume you’re not curious. 15 tips to Nail the final part.

5 RESpOnSe-GuArAntEED SpiCy EmAiLs SuBjECtS LiNes 1. Let’s Get Personal: “Drone Flying” 2. The Allure of Mystery and Int...

5 RESpOnSe-GuArAntEED SpiCy EmAiLs SuBjECtS LiNes 1. Let’s Get Personal: “Drone Flying” 2. The Allure of Mystery and Intrigue: “We Love Paychex”

3. Kiss - Keep It Simple, Stupid: “Email Buried?” 4. Funny, Like I’m a Clown?: “Don’t go breaking my heart”(Elton John) 5. Cross My Heart: Be Honest

How many emails did you get last week? We all send and receive what seems like hundreds of emails a day. So you have to grab your prospects’ attention with a kickass subject line.

You’re here to sell, not waste your time sending boring emails that never get opened. So spice it up a bit and try something new. Then watch your open rates skyrocket and your pipeline grow.

Shake things up with these five unusual sales email subject lines. So you have to grab your prospects’ attention with a kickass subject line. So spice it up a bit and try something new. Then watch your open rates skyrocket and your pipeline grow.

9 StEps frOm MArKetinG EnABLEr tO VALuE CrEAtOr 1. You Develop Business Acumen 2. You Show Clear Impact 3. You Measure W...

9 StEps frOm MArKetinG EnABLEr tO VALuE CrEAtOr 1. You Develop Business Acumen 2. You Show Clear Impact 3. You Measure What Matters 4. You Become Data Competent 5. You Improve Relevancy

6. You Use Analytics That Fulfill A Purpose 7. You Connect To The Customer 8. You Set Performance Targets 9. You Use Three Power Tools Consistently 10. You Employ Dashboards Not Just Graphical Reports

Combining acumen, alignment, and analytical accountability using these 10 steps, you will generate the credibility and influence necessary to acquire resources and budget marketing needs to fulfill its potential.

When it comes to being able to have business impact, showing marketing’s value to the business is key. Marketing is no longer just about the sales funnel. Becoming a Value Creator is Paramount.

How do you do that? By securing the championship of your C-suite. Once you have the data, you will have support, and when you have support, you will have the budget you really need.

Combining acumen, alignment, and analytical accountability using these steps, you will generate the credibility and influence necessary to acquire resources and marketing budgets to fulfill its potential. Secure championship of your C-suite.

3 StEps tO DESiGn BrAnD EXPeriEnCes 1. Technology Brings People Together Through Shared Experiences 2. People Have Exper...

3 StEps tO DESiGn BrAnD EXPeriEnCes 1. Technology Brings People Together Through Shared Experiences 2. People Have Experiences Whether You Design Them Or Not 3. Experiential Brands Are Empathetic

Online expressions are influencing impressions. This is setting the stage for shared experiences to collectively shape how people view your brand, outside of how you define it.

The future of brand is shaped by experiences. And, experience architecture is the path toward developing a more empathetic and relevant brand for a new generation of connected customers.

People are going to feel something, so why leave it to chance? Why not design experiences that add up to something meaningful, shareable and irreplaceable?

Online expressions are influencing impressions. This is setting the stage for shared experiences to collectively shape how people view your brand, outside of how you define it. People are going to feel something, so why leave it to chance? 3 steps.

3 SiGns YOU TrAin YOur PAtiEnCe WELL With ThiS GrEAt BrAin Of YOurS 1. You Get Some Good Distance 2. You Distract Yourse...

3 SiGns YOU TrAin YOur PAtiEnCe WELL With ThiS GrEAt BrAin Of YOurS 1. You Get Some Good Distance 2. You Distract Yourself 3. You Phone One Friend

When it comes to motivation, your brain is a little bit like a traffic light. Are you a patient person? Are you sure? Most of us think we're pretty good at waiting for the things we want.

Your brain has 2 distinct systems that work in tandem to help you achieve your goals. On occasion, [your brain] engages goals you no longer want to pursue—or least don’t want to pursue at that moment.

Think of one as the "go system," which involves structures deep in the brain. It engages your goals, gives them energy, and directs you to focus on info to achieve them. This system is extraordinarily efficient.

On occasion, though, it engages goals you no longer want to pursue—or least don’t want to pursue at that moment. When this happens, the second system in your brain kicks in.

It involves your brain's frontal lobes inhibits actions the "go system" is suggesting. You can think of this one as the "stop system," and it's less effective. It's impaired by stress, drugs, alcohol, and overuse.

So when you're impatient to get something done, it means that your "go system" has you strongly fired up to do it right now, and your "stop system" is having a hard time holding you back.

The problem is that even if you successfully keep that urge at bay, you're still going to feel the discomfort of impatience—unless you find a way to disengage the go system from its dogged pursuit of the goal.

But in reality, you're probably more impatient than you'd like to admit. It's hard not to get what you want right now—that's just how humans are built. The good news is that there are things to do to improve patience.

Before you can implement them, you first need to understand where your impatience comes from. Got it? Great! Now it's time to look at a few ways of doing that . . . thanks for your patience!

The Brain is a little bit like a traffic light. Are you a patient person? Are you sure? Most of us think we're pretty good at waiting for the things we want. Think of one as the "go system," which involves structures deep in the brain. and the stop.

7 SiGns YOU StAy mOtivAtED LiKE OLympiAns DO 1. You Talk yourself through the stress 2. Accept the grind 3. Optimistic 4...

7 SiGns YOU StAy mOtivAtED LiKE OLympiAns DO 1. You Talk yourself through the stress 2. Accept the grind 3. Optimistic 4. You Anticipate Lots 5. Stick with 1 coach 6. Mindfulness 7. You Think about your next big event

How Olympians Stay Motivated … Mindfulness, self-talk, and an obscure chunk of the brain help elite athletes get through training. Competitions and public performances provide short-term goals for more improvements.

Even renowned athletes don’t intrinsically enjoy practice—they just see it as a means to win the next competition. Often, when artists or athletes give up on their craft, they tend to stop practicing it entirely.

They don’t train just for the fun unless there’s a competition worth training for. "Individuals differ enormously in what makes them happy–for some, competition, winning and wealth are the greatest sources of happiness.

But for others, feeling competent or socializing may be more satisfying,” Reiss once said. “The point is that you can't say some motivations, like money, are inherently inferior."

How Olympians Stay Motivated … Mindfulness, self-talk, and an obscure chunk of the brain help elite athletes get through training. Competitions and public performances provide short-term goals for more improvements.


9107 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 12pm
Tuesday 9am - 12pm
Wednesday 9am - 12pm
Thursday 9am - 12pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm


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