Beverly Hills Headache Institute was started by Dr. Singh, a board-certified neurologist, with extensive clinical and research experience in the treatment and prevention of neurological diseases. As founder of BHHI, he has spent years incorporating Western scientific methodology and the Eastern healing arts to provide the most comprehensive and preventative healthcare for patients suffering from c
hronic headaches. Beverly Hills Headache Institute focuses on the underlying cause of the headache and formulates a treatment plan individualized to each patient’s specific and unique needs. Proper nutrition, stress management, lifestyle changes, acupuncture, yoga, biopsychosocial therapy, neuromuscular retraining and pharmacologic treatment strategies form the core of the Headache Reduction Program. The mission of BHHI is to deliver comprehensive, integrative and individualized healthcare to each patient in order to achieve freedom from headache. Our integrative and multidisciplinary approach is designed to attain optimum health of body, mind and spirit. The vision of BHHI Center is to improve the quality of our patients’ lives by providing the highest quality of integrative medical treatment to create healthy people in healthy communities, living up to their full potential with vitality and passion.