What does a blissful bear look like? Just like this. #securitycam #VisitingOurFrontDoor #blissfulbear #bigbear
These awesome singer/songwriters stayed with us and felt inspired to write a song!
Evenings outdoors in the summer are the best~!
We love it when our guests take advantage of all the amenities the Blissful Bear has to offer. We also love it when they send us pics/videos 😀
We can’t say 100% that this is happening, but we’ve always felt that secretly that this is going on at the Blissful Bear when we’re not there. @sgettins
Yesterday’s view from the Blissful Bear kitchen window. Perfect day to spend in front of the fire and read or watch a movie. #BigBearMagic. #IMayNeedAnotherNap.
It’s going to be snowy soon! Time to get your boots and sweaters and skis packed and head up to Big Bear!
Magic and singers stay at the Blissful Bear
This past weekend the Long Beach Community College Jazz Studies stayed with us. Sometimes a game room becomes a place of magic. Thank you for sharing with us Andrea and team. Arrangement by Gene Puerling.
Drawing for the free night at the Blissful Bear...
Pittie dog yoga. Nothing says blissful more than this.
Climbing the stairs on the Big Bear Jeep Experience with our guide Jess. We recommend this Jeep tour very highly when you stay in Big Bear!
Boy, when it rains here it really comes down hard. Nothing makes us feel as blissful as watching a good down-pour. #bigbear. #cleansingrain. #blissfulbearlodge