Hi all!
Attn: Peach tree growers
I just saw the first indication that we could be in for a bang up year concerning peach leaf curl disease.
The fungus Taphrina deformans is the culprit here. For new growers who might not be on an established maintenance schedule you may notice some reddish brown blotches on your tree's twigs. This was no doubt due to last year's cold wet spring. It takes a year for the fungus to complete its life cycle.
After leaves begin development you will notice some disfigurement. They will appear shriveled and twisted, hence the name. They will probably fall of their own accord. When they do fall off make sure to pick up and dispose of diseased leaves. A new healthier set should be produced. Pruning diseased branches out has been found to be INEFFECTIVE. Put those pruners away.
The most effective time for treatment is after leaf fall in autumn, after picking up any diseased plant material. The best treatment available to home growers is Bordeaux mixture, which you can buy concentrated at most garden centers (read all precautions. Wear a mask. Do not spray when pollinators are present).
As with all conditions that stress our trees, proper watering will be important. Avoid fertilizing the soil as it takes work for the tree to absorb the nutrients and many NPK fertilizers are causal agents for leaf scorch.
I love trees. My love of trees has inspired me to study the science of arboriculture, fruit tree pruning, and bonsai. My work is a meditation, and in this solitude I have developed my own...