Such an awesome weekend and week prior to the Bert’s redfish challenge!! A few plans changed in my schedule, so i decided to tag along with the other half of the fisch crew. capt jimmy, our long time friend Shannen Ayers, his youngest son cale and myself took take on the Bert’s redfish challenge! we fished hard and spent a lot of time this week looking for the ”right ones”. A few days ago we found that magical school you only dream of finding. They were true ”bull reds” prefishing we caught several over 40 inches. Tournament day we were patient, waited nearly the entire tournament until conditions were right and our opportunity presented itself. We had a full card! with a 34.5 and 32.5” redfish so far. while pictures were being taken i drove little man cale up to the school one last time. He made his cast into the fish, and the good lord answered our prayers with cale hooking into a 39.5” bull red! Him and his dad battled the beast for several tense minutes until he was in the net! We measured, snapped a memory of a life time and drove Shannen’s lake n bay like we stole it back to Bert’s. We made it with 6 mins to spare💪cale was awarded the big red bounty and we took home 1st place in this fun locals tournament!!