Dear Range View Guests and Friends,
The sun is shining today in Breckenridge. Our usually bustling community is quiet and empty as the visitors to Breckenridge and Summit County are leaving under the direction of the County’s Public Health Department. We are coming to a new awareness during this unprecedented time of COVID 19. We are hoping you are all well and safe.
The actions of Vail Resorts to shut down its ski resorts seemed so extreme last Saturday. We are now seeing, that as hard as that decision was on you, our guests, and on the Breckenridge and the Summit County community, it was necessary to keep you and our community safe. As the worldwide infection rates climb, we are coming to the realization that social distancing, avoiding social gatherings, and avoiding discretionary travel are at the forefront of slowing the spread of the virus.
While we don’t know how long this will last, we do know that keeping up our social ties is important to our mental health, which is as important as our physical health. Our digital world makes this possible, Text, FaceTime, make a phone call, keep in touch with those you love. And If you know someone who is a healthcare worker, an emergency service work etc., please remember to thank them. They are putting their lives in danger to help us. Here is a link to an article written by an emergency doctor. It is sobering, but shows the dedication of those that are on the frontline of this emergency.
Keep well, keep safe, stay home if you are able, and remember even with social distancing we can support one another during these unprecedented times. We have the capability to come through this stronger as a community, a nation, and as a global community. Range View Rentals is looking forward to greeting you again on you next visit in our wonderful Mountain Community.
Karla Ascher
Range View Rentals
The best way to find the most up to date, factual information on COVID 19 is from WHO - World Health Orginization and the CDC - Center of Dease Control and Prevention.