The idea, the commitment, was to always play a different tune on each harp demo and thus it would push me to learn more tunes. Alas, there are harps wanting finished and I'm not getting any more talented. So I cobbled my way through this tune just as a demo, so don't be critical.
For those whose whittles and drink are not old Celtic music, this tune is by the celebrated Irish harper who lived 1670 - 1738. He became a harper when he was blinded by smallpox at the age of 18 and few other lines of work were open to him. He spent his life traveling about Ireland composing tunes for patrons.
When he was young and attending school, he became hopelessly enamored with the schoolmaster's daughter. Their separate social stations and his blindness ended any hope of advancing his cause but O'Carolan never forgot her. And so the story goes that when the ferry he was on touched the far bank of the river, he leapt down and turned back extending his hand to help any women disembark. Upon closing his hand over that of of the last passenger he exclaimed, "Bless me, it's the hand of Bridget Cruise!"
And he wrote this tune for her.
Demo of Ancient Enigma wire strung harp.