Ok the Question of the day which i accidently deleted was, should a woman feed her huband, or their kids first? After asking this question all day i have come to see that perhaps i may have worded the question wrong! So to deter from any confusion that the question may have brought about allow me to clearfiy. Should a woman PLATE her husban, or their kids first. Meaning there is enough food for every one to eat and no sacrficing of food has to take place. After an entire day of thinking i have drawn a very interesting conclusion which goes against my orginal answer, which was children should be plated first. So, i would like to retract my orginal answer, and say the husband should be plated first. The Man and key word here being "man" of the house is more than just a man, he is the protector, provider,precedence setter, and just over all leader of his house hold. There for stan lee said it best, "with great power comes great responsibility", and with that some small yet rewarding privallges. Such as who gets the last piece of cake, or the last soda, and even who gets plated first! I now believe that not only does a man being plated first hold some minuscule physiological relevance, but also a certain amount of submissiveness and respect. The psycological part i belive has something to do with the subconsious of every member of the house hold. I believe a wife who feeds her man first gathers a certain amount of pride for bieng able to show apprieciation to her man. This also shows submissiveness and a sense apprieciation for the man of the house hold.What you do daily is what you will become so, a woman putting her man first in something so small makes her more inclined to put him first in something bigger. The children grow up seeing daddy being plated first and it sends the message that no one comes before daddy, as well as they began to develop a certain respect for him. To this day if there is one slice of cake left or one cup of soda left i will ask my dad (mom too lol) if he would like it. In a little girl eyes this shows her that her daddy is first before any man untill she is given away to be wed. This also teaches her how to tend to her future husband, and maintain a healthy balance in her future house hold. To a little boy this shows him the small rewards of properly taking care of your house hold. This also teaches him what to look for in a woman as far as submissiveness and how he is to be treated as the "Man" of his house. Lastly, it shows the husband that his family does value,except, and apprieciate him as man of the house. Looking back i remember my dad coming home from work grumpy at times, and as soon as we sat down to eat and his plate was put in front of him his face would light up like the fourth of july. This small gesture goes along away and gives the husband a since of pride. I remember challenging my dad asking him why does he always get his plate first and further more why did we some time have to make our own. I remember the power in his eyes, the manly grin on his face, and the strenghth in his voice as he went on to say, "becasue this right here is mine" ,all the while lovingly gripping my mothers waist and patting me on the head. So in closing sorry for writting so much and i believe the husband should be plated first lol. I talked alot about submissiveness and im not saying children or women should drop who they are as a person and listen to the dads or husband every word, but more or less hold him in a certain respect!!