Poetic Prodigy

Poetic Prodigy "I am not a product of my environment, but a manufacturer of those who will change it." -Poetic Prod


Last minute but come out and have a blast any way if you can! Tomorrow night 6-10 out lawnside nj 143 warrick rd at the masonic lodge its going down! $20 to get in BUT ALL YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK!!! PLus im featuring along side of some of the dopest poets,rappers, and singers that i know. Mr. todd evans, justin gram, the farmer brothers, brandon cheing, hati da poet, and story from philly will all be blessing the same stage plus more!! raffles prizes, drink and eat your feel, plus dope entertainment, dont miss this!


Poetic prodigy will be teaching at the work group as well as attending stockton's college talent show!


Under stand the effects of murrder and the power of death, when a parent is taken from this world then their children are left, and when a child is hit by a stray bullet they were not even giving the opprunity to even begin to live, or perhaps the slautering of a man's or woman's signifcant other. Its no excues for the pain we are causing one another. why the heck you think its called a death toll, maybe because its always a hefty price to be paid for a lost soul, and its usually a hard check to cash, written in tears paid to the order of the murrder of daddy or mommy or even lil erica or johnny. our street cornners have become plagued with omnious candle lit memorials, infested with rain stained bears and dying flowers, showing signs that some one was forced to have had lived in their last hour enough is enough!!
love your fellow brothers and lend a helping hand or offer a gracious smile, know that the race of life is far to short so no need to speed up one's miles. Instead gas each other up and become fueled with loving compliments share your trials and tribulations as well as you acomplishments, brothers and sisters beome brothers and sisters once again!! this is a lil sample of a much larger piece im am writting for this sat day


Ok the Question of the day which i accidently deleted was, should a woman feed her huband, or their kids first? After asking this question all day i have come to see that perhaps i may have worded the question wrong! So to deter from any confusion that the question may have brought about allow me to clearfiy. Should a woman PLATE her husban, or their kids first. Meaning there is enough food for every one to eat and no sacrficing of food has to take place. After an entire day of thinking i have drawn a very interesting conclusion which goes against my orginal answer, which was children should be plated first. So, i would like to retract my orginal answer, and say the husband should be plated first. The Man and key word here being "man" of the house is more than just a man, he is the protector, provider,precedence setter, and just over all leader of his house hold. There for stan lee said it best, "with great power comes great responsibility", and with that some small yet rewarding privallges. Such as who gets the last piece of cake, or the last soda, and even who gets plated first! I now believe that not only does a man being plated first hold some minuscule physiological relevance, but also a certain amount of submissiveness and respect. The psycological part i belive has something to do with the subconsious of every member of the house hold. I believe a wife who feeds her man first gathers a certain amount of pride for bieng able to show apprieciation to her man. This also shows submissiveness and a sense apprieciation for the man of the house hold.What you do daily is what you will become so, a woman putting her man first in something so small makes her more inclined to put him first in something bigger. The children grow up seeing daddy being plated first and it sends the message that no one comes before daddy, as well as they began to develop a certain respect for him. To this day if there is one slice of cake left or one cup of soda left i will ask my dad (mom too lol) if he would like it. In a little girl eyes this shows her that her daddy is first before any man untill she is given away to be wed. This also teaches her how to tend to her future husband, and maintain a healthy balance in her future house hold. To a little boy this shows him the small rewards of properly taking care of your house hold. This also teaches him what to look for in a woman as far as submissiveness and how he is to be treated as the "Man" of his house. Lastly, it shows the husband that his family does value,except, and apprieciate him as man of the house. Looking back i remember my dad coming home from work grumpy at times, and as soon as we sat down to eat and his plate was put in front of him his face would light up like the fourth of july. This small gesture goes along away and gives the husband a since of pride. I remember challenging my dad asking him why does he always get his plate first and further more why did we some time have to make our own. I remember the power in his eyes, the manly grin on his face, and the strenghth in his voice as he went on to say, "becasue this right here is mine" ,all the while lovingly gripping my mothers waist and patting me on the head. So in closing sorry for writting so much and i believe the husband should be plated first lol. I talked alot about submissiveness and im not saying children or women should drop who they are as a person and listen to the dads or husband every word, but more or less hold him in a certain respect!!


Just got finished watching bait car, and i am once again disgusted with reality tv. To me, reality tv has found numerous ways to exploit the black community in a negative manner that truly has become a rapidly growing empdemic. Bait car is a show inwhich the cops place a car in inner city neighborhoods and wait for the first fool who think they just magicly stumbled upon a free car! Now, by no means am i defending the DUMMIES who so choose to fall for this naive trick of the law, but is this what our tax dollars is paying for? And if so, i wish for my income tax refund to be a bit larger! Inner cities have far more troubles than a idiotic opportunist who think they can get away with a car they didnt even have to break into in order to steal. (duh!!!) I would like to see shows such as "Operation Rescue Dad" , or "Stoping Truancy Fluently!" Not a show that test people's morals! I would even settle for the cops staking out a random car in a high theft area to see who really has attentions on stealling cars, rather than baiting some one to take advantage of an insanely stupid opportunity! Its my belief all the money they are spending to catch petty car thiefs could be used to shut down MULTI MILLON DOLLAR drug blocks in the inner city. So, their wack excuse of cleaning up streets by arresting menatly challenged opportunist just doesnt fly with me! And if this show is to continue can we atleast get a "Bait Car Suburbia Eddition." or is car theft just limited to inner city neighborhoods??!!


The feeling of nothing missing nothing broken, but you still wish to press on, to explore your unlimitless options of sucess. The one thing that is the gravity of your life, every thing else could be in the air and undecided, but this one thing keeps your mind grounded and sound! This is called your purpose find, dwell in it, and be blessed by it!!!! happy tuesday fam,friends, and fans!


Good morning world!!! prodigy will be with the circle of ten today, special guest by sherrie smith!! Looking forward to seeing that bright look of inspiration upon thier faces!!


I do not believe in new years resoultions! I believe they are hopes for self improvement inwhich you should have focused on every day you were blessed to wake up! They are also what i call "positive excuses", do not be fooled by the word positive, because excuses breed failure! Now, what i mean by positive excuses is simply using the new year as a reason to finally over come any obstacles you shou...ld have already over came or at least still working to over come. EX. " Im overweight, o well let me focus in on losing weight since it's 2012." OR " I smoke to much, well, since its 2012 im going to quit." Some times we get so wrapped up in just having a new year's resoultion that we forget the power we have inorder to change daily. Every day you wake you should embrace life and strive to be a better you. soooo, if you made a new year's resoultion most certainly keep it, but make daily resoultions as well for that equals true growth, AND remember the ability to learn is the ability to change, and the ability to change is the ability to empower!! So learn lots, change often, and empower always people!!!!


Im in the fourth quater of the Poetic Prodigy Project, ive gained many new clinets and conections and am on my way to bigger and better things!! My girls from the circle of ten organization will be bring every thing to a close for this year!! im so proud and impressed of you all! Every one follow me as i journey through life changing lives one poem at a time. Thank you much and much love to all fans,friends, and family!


last thoughts for tonight- TIME is a very powerful force inwhich we are bound by! For it is inevitable and waits for no man. I reunited with some people over face book i went to grade school with, and im amazed how far we have all come. I look back and gain a sense of joy from the memories we all shared at one point. Looking back ,we all use to look at adults and never really consider that us too god willing would become one, and here we are building the tommrowos of yesterday! Soon, it will be the next generation's turn to leap into adult hood! Which is the reason why i have deicated my life to educate, mentor, and define our soon to be leaders. I have come to realize that time, if not used correctly, can prove to be an all to worthy foe, but if taken advantage of, and used wisely, you can create loving,powerful,fulfilling, and life long lasting memories. So people, life is precious and time my friends is of the essence so use it wisely and create memories you can fall back on when you need a smile to uplift your day. GOD BLESS!See More


Thursday, December 1, 2011 Live Music Showcase "Poetry Night" with David Barnes, Candice the poet, and more.... 5131 Columbia Ave. doors open at 8pm and show begins at 9pm. $10/tickets. Get your ticket now. prodigy will be here


I cant wait for our spirts to hug, for my tongue to tap dance over your forbiden fruits, for my fingers to roam and explore every curve your body has to offer, for our minds to errupt with ex**cy as our hearts sync to one beat, which is the rhythm of our love making! And with it, we shall create a ballad, a song so mezmorizing that we shall tempt angels to join in on the singing of your moans whic...h will echo through out time. Our song will become legend, and tales of us creating thunder storms as your inner thighs rain a torriential of intoxicating juices will be told through out the ages of lover's land. Allow me to be your tour guide through this jungle of lover's land, let us hang from trees and vist the volcanoes of or***ms. let us turn mornings into nights, and our nights into eternities.let us hold each other through our smiles, and kiss through our stares. May we converse with body language, telling secrets of pure pleasure! LET US MAKE LOVE!


To those who will be attending my show this thursday if you any request for a piece you wish to hear let me know!
To those who will be attending my show this thursday if you have any request for a piece you wish to hear let me know!
To those who will be attending my show this thursday if you any request for a piece you wish to hear let me know!


prodigy will be @ cafe breezes 5131 columbia ave philly show starts at 9 tix are $10 i get a half hour set so this show is going to have poem after poem by me. surely on you dont want to miss!! for tix in box me also this will be a prize give away!!!


I lay here next to her, silent observing the gift that god has placed so delicately in my life. And with every beat of her heart, she pumps memories of love through out my spiritual man, and i have come to understand why she is so precious, for her love for me is that of god him self. For she loves me unconditional, as does he, for she beliveves in, as does he, for she has entrusted me with her li...fe,as he has entrusted me with the lives of so many. She has birthed me once again, and i wonder am i her child as well yet in a different light. Does her face and and soft cry not echo through my mind, as that of a parents scolding at the cross roads of decesions,and how to get up and stand tall after falling a thousand times, or how to keep "kicking and screaming"for what i want most in life, or even how to smile and laugh when the "s**t" smells most! She is, my teacher, my angel,my love,my princess,my laughter,my smiles, my blessings, AND ALWAYS AND FOR EVER MY LIL GIRL!!!


Prodigy's Words- life has a way to lock certain doors, inwhich sucess lies directly behind it, however keep in mind that hard work is the master key god has blessed you with. So, work hard and dont become discouraged when you find that a door you need open is locked, because you was born with the key you just have to manifest it!

Every one go to www.concretecakes.com for two poems and an article that was done on me. S/o to garron ceo of the infamou...

Every one go to www.concretecakes.com for two poems and an article that was done on me. S/o to garron ceo of the infamous concrete cakes!!

âIâm not a product of my environment, but a manufacturer of those whoâll change it.â – Poetic Prodigy. The spoken word is arguably our most dangerous weapon. In the wrong hands, words can start a war. In the right hands, words can start a »


Camden, NJ



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