THE GREAT FLOOD & ATLANTIS RISING! The answers to the questions of what caused The Great Flood of 10,500 BC and what happened in Atlantis, how are the two are related, if any at all, are crucially important to answering questions on human history, what happened in the past, and how are these events are still affecting the future and present. (For example, some of the earthquakes occurring today ar
e the resettlement of what was initiated over 12,500 years ago.) The changes of what happened in the solar system and on planet earth are simply amazing, beyond our individual and collective imagination. It is important that mankind come to terms with these events to answer questions of who we are and where are we going? For example, we know that this knowledge was used to motivate, finance and undertake risky European expeditions to the Americas in the 15th Century,setting off another series of events, often referred to as the Columbian Exchange, which still have not settled or sorted themselves out and continue to affect the present and the future. We also know that these events were predictable, that some people had fore-knowledge of their unfolding and took refuge in Egypt, Middle East, Mediterranean and Meso-America. Antot Masuka