Cowlitz River Dental

Cowlitz River Dental At Cowlitz River Dental, patients can look forward to an oral healthcare experience that's relaxed, friendly, and very comfortable.

At Cowlitz River Dental, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington and his staff are pleased to offer families and individuals in Castle Rock, WA personalized attention and outstanding results. Our state-of-the-art dental practice is equipped with the latest technology for providing patients of all ages with the ultimate in dentistry. From CEREC one-visit crowns to oral surgery, dental implant care, and of course

the general dentistry you and your family rely on every six months, Cowlitz River Dental provides truly comprehensive care. And if fear or anxiety get in the way of your best dental experience, we are happy to provide sedation dentistry, too! Schedule an appointment for personalized care today.

Happy Labor Day! Today, we celebrate the hard work and dedication of all workers across our nation – and especially thos...

Happy Labor Day!

Today, we celebrate the hard work and dedication of all workers across our nation – and especially those in the dental field! Have a safe and wonderful holiday!

Have you ever found yourself reaching for a toothpick to remove a stuck piece of food debris from your teeth? You might ...

Have you ever found yourself reaching for a toothpick to remove a stuck piece of food debris from your teeth? You might want to think twice about that!

Toothpicks are believed to be one of the most common objects that Americans choke on; not to mention, it’s very possible for them to splinter into smaller pieces and/or cause damage to the soft issues within your mouth.

Rather than risk dental injury, do your smile a favor and use dental floss for this task - that's what it's made for, after all!

August is just about to end, which means autumn is right around the corner. And there’s no better time than the fall to ...

August is just about to end, which means autumn is right around the corner. And there’s no better time than the fall to schedule a preventive dental visit; you’ll be setting your smile up for excellent health going into the remainder of the year. Not to mention, with so many exciting holidays coming up these next few months, you should want your pearly whites to glow brightly for every photo op!

When was your last dental checkup? Hopefully within the last six months! But did you know that these appointments aren’t...

When was your last dental checkup? Hopefully within the last six months! But did you know that these appointments aren’t a modern invention?

In fact, dentistry is one of the world’s oldest professions, with some of the earliest evidence of dental work, such as cavities being filled, dating back over 7000 years. Luckily, dentistry today is quite different, and safe to say, a lot more sophisticated and effective!

If you’ve ever seen the movie Titanic, you probably remember the part with the giant iceberg – but did you know your tee...

If you’ve ever seen the movie Titanic, you probably remember the part with the giant iceberg – but did you know your teeth are similar to icebergs?

Much like how only the top portion of an iceberg is visible above the ocean’s surface, you can only see a portion of your teeth; about two-thirds of them are beneath your gumline! This hidden portion, known as the root, plays a vital role in dental health and the stability of your teeth. Just another reason to keep your teeth and gums in great shape!

This time of year doesn’t just signal the start of a new school year – it also means that fall sports are just around th...

This time of year doesn’t just signal the start of a new school year – it also means that fall sports are just around the corner. However, did you know that each year, approximately 5 million teeth are displaced from their sockets during sports and physical games? This is quite a large figure!

Not every accident can be prevented, but an athletic mouthguard can certainly prevent the vast majority of them. That said, don’t even think about taking the field or letting your child gear up without one of these trusted devices!

When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? If you can’t remember, it’s probably time to pick out a new one! To...

When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? If you can’t remember, it’s probably time to pick out a new one! Toothbrushes need to be replaced every three months, or sooner if you’ve been sick.

An easy way to tell if your brush is ready to be replaced is to check the bristles; if they’re worn and fraying, they’ll be less effective at cleaning your teeth!

When talking about cavities, it’s tough to iterate just how common they actually are. According to the World Health Orga...

When talking about cavities, it’s tough to iterate just how common they actually are. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 2 billion people worldwide have untreated cavities – this is an alarming figure! And in the US alone, at least a quarter of all adults have untreated cavities.

It goes without saying that the best way to prevent cavities is routine preventive dental care combined with a diligent at-home hygiene regimen; this statistic isn’t one you want to be a part of!

Did you know that in many ways, your teeth are like miniature time capsules? Believe it or not, the inside of your teeth...

Did you know that in many ways, your teeth are like miniature time capsules? Believe it or not, the inside of your teeth contains a wealth of information about you. Scientists can analyze the enamel in teeth to determine things like age, diet, and even the historical period in which a person lived!

It’s just another reason to be thankful for your pearly whites and to take excellent care of them!

When was the last time you had a glass of water? Staying hydrated is important, but drinking water also serves another i...

When was the last time you had a glass of water? Staying hydrated is important, but drinking water also serves another important purpose: it stimulates your mouth’s saliva flow!

Your saliva is your first line of defense against cavity-causing bacteria, meaning that by simply drinking water, you’re very much helping out your teeth and gums. Just don’t substitute drinking water for brushing your teeth!

With the back-to-school season right around the corner, you should know that an estimated 51 million hours of school are...

With the back-to-school season right around the corner, you should know that an estimated 51 million hours of school are missed by children annually due to needing to visit their dentist for a specific oral health problem.

This is why preventive dentistry is important; this routine care can ensure that your child stays in the classroom and focused on learning! Of course, preventive dentistry also allows the rest of us to go to our jobs with a bright and healthy smile on our faces!

You’ve probably heard that soda isn’t exactly the best beverage for your teeth, since these drinks often contain high am...

You’ve probably heard that soda isn’t exactly the best beverage for your teeth, since these drinks often contain high amounts of sugar. However, another big problem with soda involves sipping; if you’re slowly drinking a soda, you’re giving it more time to come in contact with your teeth and cause harm!

This means that if you can’t help enjoying a soda every now and then, try to finish it quickly or use a straw, to reduce the amount of contact it comes into with your pearly whites. Of course, you could also simply skip the soda in favor of good old-fashioned water! 🦷

Did you know that your dominant hand is often tied to which side of your mouth you chew on? Right-handed individuals oft...

Did you know that your dominant hand is often tied to which side of your mouth you chew on? Right-handed individuals often chew on the right side of their mouths, while those who are left-handed tend to do the opposite and prefer the left side of their mouths.

But to avoid chronic jaw and dental problems, it is recommended that you use both sides as much as possible when you’re chewing your food during meals; your teeth and jaw muscles will thank you!

Summertime is the perfect time for selfies! But did you know that almost half of all young adults admit to un-tagging th...

Summertime is the perfect time for selfies! But did you know that almost half of all young adults admit to un-tagging themselves from a photo on Facebook because of their smile? Nobody should ever feel this self-conscious!

The smile you’ve always dreamed of is very attainable with a little help from your trusted dentist. Let them know you're grateful for their help by telling them all about your fun summer plans!

Hopefully, you’re using sunscreen while spending time outdoors this summer, but you should also protect your lips – they...

Hopefully, you’re using sunscreen while spending time outdoors this summer, but you should also protect your lips – they’re vulnerable to UV rays, too! Protect them with an SPF lip balm, wear a hat to cover your face, and also stay hydrated to help them combat the hot weather.

Cracked, burned, or bleeding lips are not doing your smile any favors for all of those summer photo ops!

Do you have any fun trips planned this summer? Many of us take a vacation (or staycation) during the summer months. Howe...

Do you have any fun trips planned this summer? Many of us take a vacation (or staycation) during the summer months. However, it’s pretty easy to get too busy or distracted to remember to brush your teeth while you’re away from home! Be sure that you’re packing a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and anything else you need before your trip; going on vacation does not mean taking a vacation from your dental hygiene.

Let us know where you’re heading this season – and have a nice time!

Do you have children who spend every hour of daylight during the summer playing sports and outdoor games? Or maybe you e...

Do you have children who spend every hour of daylight during the summer playing sports and outdoor games? Or maybe you enjoy them yourself – but no matter if it’s you or your child on the field, you’ll want to ensure that an athletic mouthguard is worn. These small devices are incredibly useful, given that they can prevent serious dental injuries!

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, one of the most reputable dental organizations out there, the average per...

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, one of the most reputable dental organizations out there, the average person only spends 45 to 70 seconds brushing their teeth. This is less than half of the recommended 2 to 3 minutes!

But if you see things through, you should spend at least 40 collective days brushing your teeth over your lifetime. That’s quite a lot of protection for your pearly whites!

Do you ever notice yourself clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth? It might also occur during the night while you’re...

Do you ever notice yourself clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth? It might also occur during the night while you’re asleep, which can cause your jaw to feel sore when you wake up. Often, teeth grinding and jaw clenching are symptoms related to bruxism, a condition that can lead to worn-down tooth enamel and excess strain on the temporomandibular joints, which connect your jaw to the rest of your skull.

These problems won’t resolve on their own – but with professional intervention, these uncomfortable symptoms can effectively be managed. Don't hesitate to seek treatment; your smile will thank you!

When we think about things that might potentially stain our teeth, coffee is often the first thing to come to mind. It’s...

When we think about things that might potentially stain our teeth, coffee is often the first thing to come to mind. It’s true that this beloved beverage can cause dental staining, but it’s not the only consumable you should be mindful of. Red sauces and wines, blueberries, blackberries, and other kinds of berries, sodas, juices, sports drinks, hard candies, and other similar items can all leave your teeth duller than usual!

Remember, enjoying these items in moderation – and maintaining excellent oral hygiene – is a great way to ensure that your pearly whites remain sparkling bright!

Did you know that the technology for dental implants has been around for quite some time? In 1952, an orthopedic surgeon...

Did you know that the technology for dental implants has been around for quite some time? In 1952, an orthopedic surgeon stumbled across an incredible discovery; while studying bones and regeneration, he found that titanium was able to successfully fuse with bone tissue. He hypothesized that this fusion could be utilized in other fields, such as dentistry – and now, over 5 million dental implants are placed annually in the US alone.

Needless to say, dental implants are a groundbreaking innovation!

We hope your summer is off to a fantastic start! There's no better season for showing off your smile. But before you get...

We hope your summer is off to a fantastic start! There's no better season for showing off your smile.

But before you get too caught up in your festivities and fun under the sun, take a moment to recall when your last dental checkup was – we’re now about halfway through the calendar year, so if it’s been longer than six months for you and your loved ones, give us a call!

Happy Father's Day! Today, we celebrate all the incredible dads and father figures out there. Thank you for everything y...

Happy Father's Day! Today, we celebrate all the incredible dads and father figures out there. Thank you for everything you do!

With temperatures on the rise and summer approaching, you’ll probably find yourself cooling off with an iced beverage qu...

With temperatures on the rise and summer approaching, you’ll probably find yourself cooling off with an iced beverage quite frequently. But beware of those chilly ice cubes – chewing on them is actually quite harmful to your pearly whites! Biting into ice and other hard objects can damage the enamel layer of your teeth, or even lead to a chipped or fractured tooth. Rather than chewing on your ice cubes after finishing your drink, ask for a refill to stay hydrated and cool!

Who doesn’t love having fun under the summer sun? Not only is it a great way to pass the time, stay active, and work on ...

Who doesn’t love having fun under the summer sun? Not only is it a great way to pass the time, stay active, and work on your tan, but the UV rays from the sun also help your body produce vitamin D, which is essential for healthy teeth and bones! In this sense, getting some sun will quite literally benefit your smile this summer. That said, just don’t forget to wear sunscreen; otherwise, the resulting sunburn will be quite a bummer!

Plaque doesn’t just build up on your teeth; it can also build up on your tongue! This can lead to a foul mouth odor, as ...

Plaque doesn’t just build up on your teeth; it can also build up on your tongue! This can lead to a foul mouth odor, as well as several other potential oral health issues. You should gently brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth to help keep your whole mouth clean and problem-free!

Looking for sensible snack options this summer? Crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, celery, and other si...

Looking for sensible snack options this summer? Crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, celery, and other similar items aren’t just tasty and good for you – they’re good for your teeth! They can actually help to clean your teeth as you eat due to their fibrous texture. Plus, they aren’t high in sugars and starches compared to snacks like chips, crackers, cookies, and other similar options. This summer, it doesn’t hurt to be extra conscious about what you’re eating; your teeth will thank you!

What’s your favorite tooth-friendly summertime snack? Let us know!

When you’re at the store picking out a tube of toothpaste to buy, do you ever consider the color? Apparently, most peopl...

When you’re at the store picking out a tube of toothpaste to buy, do you ever consider the color? Apparently, most people tend to prefer blue toothpaste over other options, such as red. Perhaps this is because blue is more often associated with cleanliness – but whatever your preference is, any color of toothpaste can get the job done!

Our practice would like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Memorial Day!

Our practice would like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Memorial Day!

With the school year coming to a close soon, you might be thinking about all of the fun summer plans you and your kids h...

With the school year coming to a close soon, you might be thinking about all of the fun summer plans you and your kids have. But before you get too busy, you should be sure to go ahead and schedule your child’s next dental visit before they return to school in the fall. Schedule your own checkup too, if you need to! Dental offices tend to fill up fast during this time of year, so give yourself the peace of mind of knowing that your family’s smiles will be looked after!


358 Front Avenue Northwest
Castle Rock, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 2pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm


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