Whether you are planning a trip to the area, or have already arrived, we hope you will enjoy the many activities that you can take advantage of for year-round entertainment. Notice: Visit Cedar Park Texas' presence on social media and the City website, www.cedarparktexas.gov and any other City-owned web domains, is intended to provide official City information and foster a dialogue with our citiz
ens. In order to maintain a productive open forum for community discussion, we will adhere to the following content guidelines.
• The City of Cedar Park welcomes opinions---both positive and critical---on its social media pages. Information- and knowledge-sharing is also welcomed, however, comments may be responded to, eliminated or removed for actions deemed inappropriate, which include, but are not limited to, the following items:
o factual inaccuracy
o personal attacks and/or slander
o obscene or discriminatory language
o unlawful activity or encouragement of unlawful activity
o breach of any law
o promotion of non-City business
• Violators of these guidelines may be permanently excluded from City social media pages and will receive a written warning prior to removal.
• Important: Comments by external parties on a City of Cedar Park digital media or social networking site are not considered official public testimony and does not substitute for a formal statement in a public hearing process. Except to the extent required by law, communications made through the City website, e-mail, or social media comments/messaging do not constitute legal notice to the City of Cedar Park, its agencies, officers, employees, agents or representatives where notice to the City is required by any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations. Such notice must instead be filed in writing to the City Secretary of the City of Cedar Park, 450 Cypress Creek Road, Building One, Cedar Park, Texas 78613. If you wish to contact City officials or to request City services, please visit the City’s official website at www.cedarparktexas.gov or call City Hall at 512-401-5000 during regular business hours. For emergency services, such as Police, Fire, or EMS, please dial 9-1-1.
• The City of Cedar Park reserves the right to update these guidelines at any time.