Catholic Information for U.

Catholic Information for U. Hello I made this page to share information about the Catholic Church.

This guy helped bring me home.

This guy helped bring me home.

I preached this sermon on December 4th, 2016- at First United Methodist Church, Marion, IA.I wasn't Catholic, but I was clearly wrestling with what God was ...


In Roman Catholic theology, the seven that spur other sins and further immoral behaviour. These were first numbered by Pope Gregory I in the 6th century and elaborated in the 13th century by St. Thomas Aquinas.


The Catholic Church does not teach that we earn our salvation by our own efforts, although it does teach that we have to work on our salvation. The same apostle who wrote Galatians also wrote Philippians, wherein Paul says, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12).

WATCH how faith alone is not biblical---->

READ a Protestant's great rebuttal and the Catholic stance explained ---> (Aren’t We Saved by Faith Alone?
Kenneth Howell • 3/1/2003)


Don't we get further away from Jesus the more we modernize and decide to throw away what the early Christians believed and followed?


Bread of Life Discourse is a teaching of Jesus in the Bible's Gospel of John, chapter 6, verses 22–59. The discourse is a series of teachings that Jesus gave in the synagogue at Capernaum, and it includes the following:
Comparison to manna: Jesus compares himself to the manna that the Jews ate in the wilderness
Teaching about the Eucharist: Jesus' first teachings about the Eucharist
Eating his flesh and drinking his blood: Jesus teaches that his followers must eat his flesh and drink his blood to have life
Disciples' response: The disciples respond to Jesus' teachings, with many choosing to leave him
The Bread of Life Discourse is considered to be very influential in the Christian tradition and has been interpreted as teaching about the Eucharist. The discourse is preceded by the miracle of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.


IN THEATERS THIS DECEMBER! Watch Fr. Chris Alar, MIC; Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC; and more in "I Am the Immaculate Conception.”

To order tickets, visit:

"I am the Immaculate Conception" is how Mary, the Mother of God, introduced herself to St. Bernadette in 1858 during her apparitions at Lourdes, France.

In the season of Advent and Christmas, a new documentary film invites audiences to ponder why Mary presents herself this way. In the film, a group of eminent experts, including the Marian Fathers, analyze Greek texts of the Holy Scripture, private revelation, and the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.



"They sent people throught the cities to deliver the decrees to keep which was deteremined by the apostles and the elders at Jeruselum."(Acts 16) This was the church in action--it was teaching, preaching, correcting, reproving and making decrees and doctrines LONG before the first letter of the New Testament was even written.

Learn more about what our beautiful Christ-founded Catholic Church believes and why at our Youtube Channel--------->


"They sent people throught the cities to deliver the decrees to keep which was deteremined by the apostles and the elders at Jeruselum."(Acts 16) This was the church in action--it was teaching, preaching, correcting, reproving and making decrees and doctrines LONG before the first letter of the New Testament was even written.

Learn more about what our beautiful Christ-founded Catholic Church believes and why at our Youtube Channel--------->


The sacrifice of Jesus and the Mass are one and the same. Through the power of God, Jesus’ offering of Himself can be presented again at any point in time when the Mass is celebrated.

Learn more about what Jesus established in what is now known as the Catholic Church @



Claims from Charles: 1
Facts from Charles: 0
The simple Gospel is a false Gospel from hell, and it's not Christian. It waters down the true Gosepl to an unbiblical "just beleive Gosepl" which leaves.out half the New Testament. Like the necessity of baptism for example (Mk. 16:16, 1 Peter 3:21, Acts 2:38, Rom. 6:1-11, etc).


"In the Kingdom of God, it is the work of God to unite us and bring us together through this sacramental Sacrifice. All divisions fall away, and we are all made one in Christ." (Galatians 3:28).

--Matt D’Antuono


Saintly intercession is not the same thing as necromancy. One is a holy practice where, through the power of God, we can request that the Saints in Heaven pray for us. The other is a sinful practice where we conjure dead spirits in order to get information from them.



We don’t go to Church because we find it entertaining. We go to Mass in order to worship and adore God. Since the Mass is the same as the sacrifice of Jesus, it’s the highest and most sacred form of worship.


Jesus established an institutional Church with visible unity. Not a mere idea of a Church with its only uniting factor being a few abstract ideas. And the institution Jesus started is the Catholic Church


1 Main Drag
Chambersburg, PA



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