Here’s a piece from a blog post I wrote in 2019, a time when I thought things couldn’t get more polarized, fear-based, dark, confusing, disconnected...well, I believe it’s an understatement to say I was wrong! And so, I now, once again, down on my knees, pray, hope and yearn for a Revolution, one that I will still call a "REVOLUTION OF LOVING KINDNESS!!!" Who's in?!
PRESENCE is being summoned more than ever on the planet right now, and it is harder than ever, as it is going against the grain of our current culture. In a world of faster, more, quick, easy, one-sided narrative, narrow-mindedness, lack of commitment, now now now, etc to truly arrive in the present moment can feel super intense. And yet, I know that right now it has never been more vital. Where/when do we begin? Start right where you are, right now, and keep it simple. Take a breath and be with just that one breath. Feel it move into your body and out of your body. Now, take another breath and be with just that one breath. See, you did it!!!
1. awareness/mindfulness/paying attention and being with what is, showing up for the life that is happening, seeing clearly each moment you are in
2. Love/loving kindness- not judging/manipulating/or trying to change any aspect of what is, being in a state of loving care, trusting from which a wise response will be born, having a sense of sensitivity, immediacy, intimacy, & aliveness
So, sit. Be still and in solitude. Take some slow, deep breaths and strengthen your inner muscle of presence. Recognize whatever thoughts, feelings and/or sensations come up and just give them permission to be there, allow them to be there and give them some space. And when you do so, send each one LOVE, send yourself LOVE and just keep coming back to the one breath that is happening right now, learning how to stay, focused on love and kindness.
Do this every morning for 5 minutes, and perhaps also anytime you start to feel overwhelmed, scattered or tired. Just start. Now. Imagine if every human on the planet joined in on this. I would certainly consider that a revolution. (Cont in comments)