It is "deeply encouraging to feel yourself in action and apparently knowing where you are going even though you don't always consciously know where that is" (Rogers, 1962, p. 26).
Lean in with me tomorrow for a personal and research conversation on this 3P webinar! https://www.facebook.com/100060947841835/posts/pfbid02q3tg7vW9St8XF5aW2EJbgP7BqMkHXw8RUBvH5pz5RXQMwQSucxbX8vPZYD8Xjr5Wl/?d=n&mibextid=WC7FNe
It is our pleasure to announce the next 3P webinar from the 3pcommunity.nl! This time our guest will be Jeanne Catherine, who is crucial in building a scientific body of proof under the application of the Three Principles.
Jeanne is a researcher, facilitator, and innate health practitioner, but she’s also the organization’s muse and visionary leader. Magnetic and charismatic, Jeanne’s passion is nothing less than infectious. And, with a remarkable aptitude for translating complex knowledge into digestible and compelling information, she has a true gift for captivating and inspiring audiences.
Based on her personal and professional experience, Jeanne is driven by the transformative potential of innate health realization and a passion for empowering women and people who have been disenfranchised to take back their voice and take action. She is steadfast in her commitment to using science to improve the way mental health programs are designed and accessed so that even the most marginalized groups are supported in leveraging their own capacity for wellbeing.
As IHR’s Chief Operating Officer, Jeanne is responsible for project design and implementation, research dissemination, outreach and education, and practitioner/lived experience collaborations.
Jeanne uses her free time to empower women through self-knowledge using her skills as a mentor, mediator, and teacher. You will often find her on the dance floor guiding all kinds of bodies through movement, music, and magic!
Come join us for the webinar on Innate Health Realisation/Three Principles understanding on Wednesday January 17th, 20:00 CET. Follow the link below to get to the webinar at that moment:
Join Zoom Meeting https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7512081566?pwd%3DeW9tUHp1MFdQYmVpSXdLU1k4bFRkUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw2hLSOeQKULe7_JP4geIvKc
Meeting ID: 751 208 1566
Passcode: 55805199