Stretch Zone Cherry Hill
Pioneered in Miami Beach in 2004, Jorden Gold experienced the impact of his practitioner-assisted stretch with his grandfather, then demonstrated the power of his proprietary approach on elite athletes and teams from the NFL, NBA and other professional sports leagues. With patent pending equipment and the industry's leading stretch methodology, Stretch Zone has successfully grown as a franchise to more than 40 locations since launching in 2015. For more information about the category leader, Stretch Zone's locations and franchising can be found at
The Stretch Zone Method:
The Stretch Zone Method has been demonstrated to provide a useful improvement in range of motion in most cases, and as such can greatly improve peak performance in athletes as well as subjectively improving the quality of life of individuals who have been compromised by varied painful conditions. With that in mind, it should be noted that the Stretch Zone Method is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition, and that while it has been proven to be safe, clients should be encouraged to consult their physician prior to participating in this, or any other new physical activity.
The Stretch Zone Method rests on the premise that the limiting factor to achieving full range of motion is not the length or elasticity of muscles but the nervous control of their tension via the stretch reflex.