Today marks 500 days since I left Chicago to embark on my global digital nomad journey, and this is indeed an incredible ride!
I became an expert at global travel, global housesitting, global nomad, and global relocation - not because of how much I’ve researched and studied - but because of how many times I’ve failed, fallen, and made mistakes.
I can write a book (and will one day) about how many times I’ve messed up during my journey. But God! My God has carried me through the good times and not so good times.
That’s why I help women - I want to help y’all avoid some of the pitfalls.
Overall, my digital nomad journey has been awesome! It is one of the BEST decisions I’ve ever made. I wouldn’t change a thing about my journey. I am a changed woman from the woman I was when I left Chicago on July 11, 2023.
God bless you all. It’s a big world out here and I’m gonna see as much of it as I can.