Central Booking Travel Service has been in business for over 15 years and the owners,
Debbie Obuchowski-Herman and Jo-Ann Kobart, have over 40 years combined experience in the travel industry. Why spend hours on the internet when we can use all of our resources to give you the best pricing and value for your money. When you book on the internet, what you give up is the personalized service of tal
king to a real person about what is best for you. Of course, all the ads look good - so how do you know what to choose? Central Booking Travel Service can assist you with making the right choices. Repeat customers and referrals are the best form of advertising. We are available to you for any problems or changes in plans before, during and after your travel. We value and know our customers wants and needs and do our best to accommodate them. We talk to each and every client after they complete their trip for their feedback. If you are a corporate traveller, a profile is kept on your airline preferences along with mileage numbers and where you like to sit as well as hotel and car rental info. Therefore, each time you call, you don't have to provide all the information again. Remember "Service is Our Key to Success"