Jeff Burt, an Attorney-at-Law, began his adventure event planning company over thirteen years ago, having been inspired by his mother Deloris Burt. His mother would plan trips in the mid 70's and early 80's to the Cincinnati and Atlanta "Kool Jazz Festivals" and also arranged a ski trip. Eventually, Burt organized a bus trip when he was president of the Howard University School of Law, Black Law S
chool Association (BLSA) to National Black Law Student Convention (NBLSA). In 1994, he organized his first ski trip as a fundraiser when he was running for State Representative for the 28th Legislative District, and was encouraged to do more events after the campaign. Since that time Club Chicago, besides ski trips, has also organized water sports and adventure trips and conducted successful events at some of the finest resorts and spas in the Midwest including: Kalamazoo, MI, Christmas Mountain, WI, Olympia Resorts, WI, Grand Geneva, WI, Interlaken Resort, Indian Head, WI and a Water Sports event in Oshkosh, WI, as well as Sault Ste. Club Chicago encourages everyone to, "Leave your ego at the door and have a good time. Jeff Burt expressed. Who noted that past travelers have come from an array of people, from all walks of life, including, married couples and families, to single ladies and men weekend getaways; as well as the typical adventure seeker.