1. Treat it like a business, even when it’s still a side hustle
This means you don’t work for free. For example, while a graphic designer might swap designing a logo or two at no cost in exchange for putting the samples on their website, if you’re thinking about starting your own public relations firm, don’t promote someone else’s business launch for free.
2. Put weekend plans and vacations on the backburner
On average, entrepreneurs reported working 20 hours per week on their side hustle while they were still employed at their full-time job, and 80% of respondents did not work on it during traditional work hours. You know what that means for your free time, right? You got it, 72% of respondents worked on their side hustle on the weekend.
Related: The Complete, 12-Step Guide to Starting a Business
3. Don't be in a rush to start your business
The entrepreneurs we surveyed worked their side hustle for an average of 19 months before quitting their full-time job, specifically to make their side hustle their primary source of income. They also reported it took roughly three years of running their own business full time before they earned the same annual income as their last full-time job.
4. Make a plan for financial stability
Starting a business at any level requires hard work, dedication and capital. Respondents reported they needed their side hustles to make at least $43,862 per year, on average, before they felt comfortable leaving their full-time position. This means managing your expenses, the planned and unexpected, so your fluctuation in income won’t eat into the profits of your business when you take the leap.
5. You don’t need to go it alone
Almost three-quarters (72%) of survey respondents set up their side hustle with someone else, often a family member or partner. You could also assemble an informal advisory board of friends who could offer ongoing suggestions, insights and support.
Related: 3 Unparalleled Benefits of Starting a Business With Friends and Family
6. Manage your risk
Every business faces risks, but you can protect yourself against many of them. Surprisingly, however, 31% of survey respondents did not have insurance for their side hustle. Small business insurance can protect you against the financial impact of a claim or a lawsuit, keeping you in business.