I’m a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine with over 20 years of clinical experience. I have treated over 10,000 patients with health problems such as weight problems, chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, sexual problems, asthma, infertility, high blood pressure, neck & back pain, constant headaches, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, high cholesterol, joint pain, and much more. It was early in my c
areer that I noticed most doctors treated the symptoms of illness and not the cause. I found that approach sometimes helped a patient temporarily, but in a few weeks these symptoms or problems would always be back, putting the person back to where they started or worse. I wasn’t satisfied with this medical revolving door, and was determined to search for answers as to WHY a person’s body wouldn’t be working the way it should, and why health continues on a seemingly unstoppable decline. I utilized my vast training, knowledge and clinical experience to conduct in-depth research on over 10,000 patients. This led to my breakthrough discovery which I call the “Keys to Total Health.” I found that most of our health issues come from food allergies and body toxicity levels. In fact, people are so toxic that they have absolutely NO chance for health, successful weight loss, good sex or anything else! This research brought about the creation of the Total Shake. The Total Shake is easy to use, produces very fast results, creates only good effects and is perfectly safe. The Total Shake can help handle all the symptoms that go along with poor health - being overweight, no energy, no zest for living, lousy sex life, and just feeling old. With the Total Shake we aim to permanently improve your life by fixing, once and for all, exactly what has been holding you back.. We do this byremovingyour pain; getting that extra weight off, giving you more energy and life than ever. If your health is not everything you want it to be, do what my patients have done for twenty years. Start the Total Shake and get the most out of your life now! This is also a great product to sell to your friends, family and work associates, as well as in health stores, salons, etc. We have ambassador programs and special distributor relationships available, for those who want to help others and receive discounts on their products, that you can see on our website. If you have any questions or would just like to say “hello” please feel free to message me!