If you get an email that looks anything like this, look at it very carefully. Most likely, it didn’t come from Netflix. It’s a scam. Do not attempt to make a payment, do not give them any information. Once they have your debit card information they could potentially drain your bank account dry. This is from an actual email that I received the other day. I became suspicious when I had decided to wait until payday to take care of it. In the meantime, my Netflix didn’t stop working. That was a good indication that this was a scam. Then as soon as I clicked the link to pay the bill, it took me to another page and it had my address as simply “” and the email address for what should have been Netflix was some kind of code. That was what told me that this wasn’t from Netflix. Be careful y’all. The scammers are getting better at their business, making it harder for us to tell what’s real and what’s fake. Check everything like this out real good before you proceed to give them anything. Take care of yourselves and each other. If we don’t look out for each other, we’re all screwed.