Bluff Balloon Festival is on this weekend (Jan 17-19, 2025). You might want to check it out if you are in the area. 🎈🤩
#canyonoftheancientsguestranch #balloonfestival #bluff #hotballoon #winterfun #fourcorners
Another magical weekend with Amy Helm, Martha Scanlan and Jon! 👍🤩
Thanks JT Thomas for making it possible and great lighting.
Thanks our sponsors - Shoreline Digital, Holly Lake Films and Horsepower The Series and Carl Beams
Thanks Vic, Addie & Landon, Stephen, EagleSoundStudio & Sutcliffe Vineyards.
@amyhelmmusic @marthajonmusic @jtthomas @neufeldjon
#musicevent #canyonoftheancientsguestranch #sutcliffevineyards #EagleSoundStudio #outdoorconcert #mesaverdecountry #skyvillagecortez
Celebrating fall equinox with Craig Childs & Greg Istock @ Sky Village! What a fun night to remember!
Thanks so much everyone who attended our 2nd year of the Fall Equinox event with Craig Childs. We look forward to 2025 Fall Equinox show again.
Hats off to JT Thomas for amazing lighting setup! Appreciate Vic, Landon, Addie, Nate, Leah & Steven as well as Daiva & Valerie for event set up and shuttle help.
We cannot do it without the support of our sponsors: Osprey Packs, The Dolores State Bank, Kilgore Gallery. Thank you all.
#canyonoftheancientsguestranch #fallequinox #storytelling #darksky #skyvillage #mesaverdecountry
#ospreypacks #thedoloresstatebank #kilgoreamericanindianart #sutcliffevineyards #mariasbookshop #4cornersadakai #innerorbitsoundsystem #alchemedicsonictree #LiatiMassage #DaivaChesonis
Beautiful sunset over the ranch!
#canyonoftheancientsguestranch #sunset #clouds #blessings #sky
Beautiful sunset over the ranch. #canyonoftheancientsguestranch #sunset #clouds #mesaverdecountry #mcelmocanyon#southwest #blessings
Enjoy seeing the amazing dance and drumming at Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Pow Wow. Today, Sunday, August 25 will be the last day for the Pow Wow, which is located at Indian Village - Ute Mountain Casino, Towaoc, Colorado. You might want to check it out if you are in the area.
#canyonoftheancientsguestranch #powwow #mesaverdecountry #utemountaincasino #powwowdancer #drumming #nativeamericanculture #CultureExperience