SURPRISE 10 item mystery box
Check out our awesome new 10 item mystery boxes! Limited time! #vampirediariesmysterybag #vampirediariestours #TVD #vampirediaries #tvd #theoriginals #legacies https://www.mysticfallstours #mysticfalls .com/product-page/mystery-box-surprise
We will be closed Friday and Saturday (Sunday is a possibility) for the safety of staff and guests for Winter weather closings in #mysticfalls #covingtonga
Don’t break the law! Come take a tour to the #lockwoodmansion exclusively with us! #tvd #vampirediaries #cpd #mysticfalls #vampirestalkers
If you’ve ever been on a tour over the weekend, there’s a good chance you’ve met Violet, and she’s taking some of your photos! She is our little tour guide in training and has so many of her own cast stories already at 11 years old! It makes us a little emotional seeing the second generation loving the show as much as we do! 🥺 ❤️ #tvd #vampirediaries #vampirestalkers #auntjennastrashcan #mysticfallstours #mysticfalls #TheOriginals #legacies
I am a #vampirestalkers tour guide of course I love my job! #vampirestalkers #TVD #vampirediaries #mysticfallstour #epic #lockwoodmansion #together #tourguide #mysticfalls #covingtonga #hollywoodofthesouth #bestjobever #theoriginals #legacies
Vampire Stalkers till death party
Till death wrap
Hope you survived the #tilldeath party at the #lockwoodmansion! Watch out for December we got a #christmasparty to plan! Thanks for coming! #vampirestalkers #tvd #vampirediaries
How is everyone this morning? Did you have fun partying at #Lockwood??? Did you survive #tilldeath? Remember photo links will be put here on our facebook sometime Monday! Thanks for coming!
Registration for #tilldeath party will start at 6:00 pm at the visitor center museum outside. Please park in the area surrounding the center. 1143 Oak street Covington.