Who Knew? It Could Happen to You!
Here’s a story about some friends at the beginning of a dream vacation to Jamaica at an all-inclusive resort. Who knew that on the day they were to leave, the temperature would drop to double-digits below zero? IThe frigid temperature forced their flight from Omaha to be cancelled.
What were they going to do? What would you do? At least one day of the trip was already gone. There was no doubt about that. But that was just the tip of the iceberg, literally. There were many more questions that needed to be answered.
What about alternate flights? What about losing the first night and money at the resort? What about the to the resort? What about a hotel while waiting for a connecting flight? Where to start? Was this dream trip really going to happen?
Fortunately, this dream trip was handled through Legendary Travel in Crete. All it took was one phone call. All questions were answered, though the phone call came to the agency close to midnight.
The trip survived in full, just one day later thanks to Mother Nature. No penalties were assessed resulting from the changes of flight and lodging schedule. The only extra expense was $53 per person for an airport hotel. One thing I know for sure, the return flight to Nebraska from Jamacia wasn’t going to be cancelled because of cold weather.
Can you get that service at the big travel agencies? I finished saving the trip at 3:30 that morning. Do you know a travel agent that will answer the phone at that time? There’s no doubt you can set up this trip on your own. However, who are you going to call at midnight when things go haywire?
Call Legendary Travel 402-560-3698