Time for a great learning season, with all the assistance you could ask for. A lot has changed since we have shared anything here. Been working hard on getting my farm ready for students, equine and human. What are some topics you would like to address with spring here and horses getting ready to come out of their winter vacations? I will share my journey from 2021-current over the next couple of weeks. Lots of donated time, lots of new horses started, and the chance to do lots of therapy and rehabbing for some great equine athletes. These guys have enjoyed an easy winter and getting back in shape. Grandpa is the farm mascot and you can find him toting around one of his cats, squealing at the herd, removing all of the lids to anything and everything, or trying to make his way into the house. Must be rough to be a 36 year old pony that gets to just enjoy his senior years.