It may be a cool lazy Sunday BUT there are SEVERAL activities happening with Culpeper Remembrance Days to get you up and GOING! Stroll downtown to the The Burgandine House for Civil War Living History or The State Theatre for model train displays with the Piedmont Railroaders with an added bonus while there -- classic silent film "The General" starring Buster Keaton! OR take a Sunday drive out to the Graffiti House for Joe McKinney's lecture on "The Horse & the Civil War". And just across the street at the Culpeper Regional Airport the EAA Experimental Aircraft Association - Chapter 186 Young Eagles will be taking kids ages 8-17 for a birds eye view of Cpep ----FREE!!! What are you waiting for - GO!!! :)
Detailed event info....https://www.facebook.com/culpeperremembrancedays/events