We are committed to developing solutions that will make health care more affordable and improve health outcomes. The initial focus at the C1 Innovation Lab will be creating health care solutions for the business needs of national employers. The C1 Innovation Lab will feature a three-planked approach:
Co-located Business Operations: Customer service and health care management teams will work and c
ollaborate on-site to improve care coordination, health outcomes and the member experience for select accounts. Dedicated Design Team: A multi-disciplinary team of strategists, design thinkers and creators will evaluate concepts, pilot products and processes and rapidly bring health care solutions to the market that entire industries are seeking for issues such as regulatory risk, the increasing burden of sponsoring health care, minimum wage pressure and other macro-economic issues that mean the most to national employers. Collaboration Space: With flexibility and mobility in mind, the space will be available for clients, vendors and academic centers to enter into collaborative partnerships.