Happy Thanksgiving! I thought you would all like to see what the neighbors did on their holiday on the West End, with their bobcat in the water.
According to the building permit manager he permitted the neighbors to do this, however yesterday no permits were issued for this little project. They suspiciously started at about 3pm Weds after everyone left work for the holiday and he finished up this morning.
A little backstory, the neighbor thought it would be a good idea to put up a fence below the actual mean tide line so that he could keep his tiny beach to himself. The permit issuer thought that was a good idea so he issued him a permit. He soon realized this was not actually permitted, so he didn’t let the neighbor install the fence, however he didn’t make him remove his posts. (That encroached 3 feet onto my property)
A wise town leader realized that the permit must be revoked since the fence wasn’t allowed. So the permit issuer revoked the permit. The neighbor was told he must remove the posts. Yesterday afternoon he complied. Because his permit was revoked.
Then this morning he put the posts back into the ground on his own property. So, if no new permits were issued for this work in the past two days this seems to be a problem. If the permit was revoked because no fence could be installed then the permit is revoked. A new permit would not be issued for something that wasn’t allowed.
We know the building permit manager doesn’t issue permits for things that are not allowed, so this little project he undertook at this suspicious time is a violation. Is it not? And the posts will once again need to be removed since he was not issued a new permit. Will they not?
Gene Fox Jeff Collier