YOU will experience the magic of what I’ve been studying all year, from teacher Layla Martin who has studied Neo-classical Tantra for 20 years. 🥰Besides the incredible coaching you’ll receive on Zoom, I’ll be using my psychic medium abilities. 🔮🪄✨Think of the crazy sexy breakthroughs you’ll have!!! 🥰🥰🥰I love you, and can’t wait to hear from you! 🙌 ❤️#pleasureboxes #tantra #laylamartin #psychicmedium #mediumsofdenver #lifechanging #meantforyou❤️
Will I see you in Denver on 4-22-24?? Doors open 6:30, mediumship starts at 7 pm. Love you, gorgeous beings of light!!!
#denvermediumrachelmerrill #mediumandmentor #eventsinco #messagesfromlovedones❤️
Story time!#theuniversehearsyou #weddingexpo #wilmingtonma
Ready for your clarity reading??? I am. ✨💖🔥#clarityreading #akashicrecords #weddingexpo #wilmingtonma #eventsinma
Live Channeling with Rachel Merrill and Kirk Caulfield
Rachel Merrill and Kirk Caulfield offer a free event of channeling.
#channeling #channel #intuitive
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT 📣 😮 No, seriously. It’s big. 🏔️ Now taking bookings for clarity readings only until Jan 19, 2024. Link in bio. 15, 30, or 60 minutes to change your life.#happynye #denvercolorado #bigchanges
Hello, gorgeous soul! I opened up a few spots in my calendar for you to work with me to find out WHAT will 2024 look like for YOU??? Find out with a clarity reading. Thankfully, my abilities have increased tremendously, and I now channel clearly as well. Book a reading before spots fill up - link in bio!
ALSO - a few I Sang Anyway books are available for only $5 on Amazon. Going into the new year like WHEEEE!!!
#clarityreadings #akashicrecords #akashicrecordsreadings #isanganyway #rachelmerrillllc
LIVE reading of I Sang Anyway + $2 books (while they last)!!!
I Sang Anyway turns two years old!!! Celebrate with me on 12/21/23 at noon.
Message from Mary Magdalene
If you are seeing this video, it's meant for you. I will connect in and see what Mary Magdalene has to share with you today. Love, Rachel
#marymagdalene #messagesmeantforyou #videosmeantforyou #meanttobe