If you would like to stay after your first five games, please feel free to stay and play for fun! $2 cover charge covers advertising, supplies and the annual party. It's a really easy game to learn how to play. If you know how to play I recommend arriving around 6:45 to grab a drink and sign in. Euchre is a very addictive game... you'll be hooked in no time!!! For a short lesson on 'how to play e
uchre'...watch this youtube instruction video...
Some card etiquette suggestions...
1) Don't touch your dealt cards until all cards have been dealt. This is just in case the dealer makes a mistake during the deal and the deal has to be dealt over.
2) Try not to trump your partner's ace...not always possible, but it is frowned upon.
3) It's just a game...at the Downtown Denver Euchre Club we follow Hoyle Rules...but we aren't nasty or a**l retentive about it. Have fun.
4) Don't "table talk." Table talk is when a player shares with the table what he/she has in the hand...even nonverbal communication is not acceptable. There are ways to tell your partner what you have without saying a word.
5) Cursing is not appreciated...you never know who you're playing with...some people are very offended by four letter words when playing. We visit a new location every week...so check this web site for updated location(s). Hope to see you Thursday!