A message from the CEO, Andrew R Cipolla
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about ARC powered by Proforma. I wanted to take a minute to provide you with a little insight into why ARC exists. As a child, I had aspirations to be the next well-known sports broadcaster. Everything was going in that direction until at the age of 16 I was diagnosed with Leukemia and underwent a bone ma
rrow transplant. While the road was tough, it made me rethink my priorities. I no longer desired to travel every week and talk about sports all day. I wanted to serve others, not in a medical capacity, but in a way that suited my strengths. So many people played a role in my recovery that I wanted to return the favor. I had grown up in the printing and promotions business, so I knew it well. When I started ARC, I did not want it to be a typical printing company that simply takes orders and delivers products. I wanted MY COMPANY to be built around the primary value of service...taking care of others. So, while we are not saving lives and curing diseases, we are doing our best to take care of our clients so they have one less thing to worry about. If that type of service sounds like something you would be interested in, please contact me directly at [email protected]. Sincerely,
Andrew R Cipolla