Room with a view.
#havana #cuba #roomewthaview #notbad #justgo #travel #authentictravel #meaningfultravel #wanderlust #passionpassport #familytravel #buenosdias
Cuban Pace car
It's always nice to have a pace car when going on runs around the world, (one of the best ways to see the world)!
I've always said that my ideal super power would be time manipulation...slowing some things down and speeding other things up. I guess it's best to just be present...but wouldn't that be neat?
#time #superpower #adventure #travel #wonder #wander #liveunscripted #yoga #bepresent #leaves #snow
It's a bit blurry, but you get the gist! Changing perspective every day!
"We hope and we pray for peace, but peace doesn't come through hopes and prayers, it comes from millions of small deeds done by millions of people every day." Michael Franti
@michaelfranti , your words and actions affirm the positive and bring hope and light into the world.
Back to life, back to reality tomorrow @earthtreks , Golden, CO! 9am and 12pm..."reality" isn't so bad after all! @tricia_collins_higgins @yogiwankenobi12 @ktmasondream @sarah_ruthless86 @mlloyd8 @ckneeneighbor #away2be #away2beyoga #backtolife #backtoreality #yoga #summer #play #invert my first #dropback #balance #armbalance #yogaanywhere #yogaeverywhere #vermont #lakechamplain #sunday #travel #adventure #SunsOutBunsUP #stretch #sridaiva
The beauty of en experience depends on the people with whom you share it. From busy cities to quiet villages, the best thing we can do is learn and engage and dance with those around us. #away2be #tbt #away2betravel #travel #traveldeeper #wander #world #learn #explore #adventure #dance #connection #flowers #market #goats #friends #meaningfultravel @afarmedia @cntraveler @cjdoza @worldleadershipschool @anywhere_worldwide @natgeotravel #india #thisisindia #globaleducation #shiftperspective (music from a temple celebration on a #perfectwander one evening).
Our bodies are temples. #away2be #away2beyoga #away2betravel #india #thisisindia #invert #yoga #temple #traveldeeper #run #handstand #balance #armbalance #bestrongin2015 #morningrun #lovelovelove #upsidedown #yogaeverywhere #yogaanywhere #yogacrew @elaineplay @kinoyoga @traveldudes @casa_colibri
Thank you, India...for all of it! #thisisindia #india #away2be #away2betravel #wander #explore #travel #traveldeeper #train #snakecharmer #fish #dance #yakshigana #perfectwander #humanbeings #connection
Just another #Tuesday morning with #Away2Be . Why have a typical work day when there is dancing and stretching to be done? #thisishowwedoit ! #away2betravel #away2beyoga #slohi @slohicoffee @rockinfish #yoga #yogaanywhere #yogaeverywhere #bestrongin2015 #work and #play make a #greatday ! #staffmeeting #coffee #denver #highlands #dance #walkwith #walkingwith #90sjam #freedance #adayatmyjob #intern #innovate #create #ideas derive from #movement and #support #invert
Musica folklorica de Nicaragua!