The wheels on the bus go round and round….the people on the bus go up and down! #redrocksamphitheater #denverpartybus #concerts #friendship #partybus #denver #redrocks #colorado #soberdriver #fun #partybus #denverconcerts #denverwedding #birthday #illenium #subtronics #sofitukker #tiesto #zedsdead #bigwild #ganjawhitenight
Have a spouse’s birthday coming up? Surprise them with a party bus full of their favorite people and watch them glow with excitement. 😁
Elevate your ride
It’s a lifestyle. Once you start reserving party buses for concerts or big events, it’s hard to go back. The value is clearly there - you stay safe, you get to travel in a unique atmosphere, and everyone enjoys the memorable experience.
Quick Tour of the Peak 4 Party Bus
Quick tour of our Peak 4 party bus. The vibe is already on point, so all you need to do is bring friends and drinks (21+ only)!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Elevate Rides Holiday Lights Tour
🎄Our spectacular Christmas lights tours are happening now! Tours are 3 hours long with 10-15 houses that are sure to impress. Book a tour with friends or family (kid-approved!)
Book a ride, get a sticker! What a deal. We are offering $100 off our published rates through the end of the year on all 4+ hour bookings. We know you all need to blow off some steam with your close friends. Book a bus with the people you trust the most and stay away from those crowded bars. Mention Social Media Discount at the time of your quote request to receive your code for the $100 off.