We gather. We find each other. We are not alone. We are grateful.
Remember our WNC neighbors as you share abundance this Thanksgiving and please put them at the top of your Christmas list. You can donate to Beloved Asheville directly and also see individual stories of families to donate direct on their page as well as many highlighted with their needs and stories on Beth Trigg page including Venmos and go fund mes. Perhaps read some of the stories of the many families on Beth’s page and decide as a family who you would like to support - your family to theirs, a perfect way to teach compassion, generosity and how we share hope with neighbors afar during challenging times of loss. No bike, no stuffies, no backpack, no favorite pair of PJs, no lifetime of saved and cherished Christmas decorations. You can pay a months rent, utility bills, it’s all transparently presented. It’s very easy, please be generous 💚🙏💙