Lite the Nite Charters is a night time gigging and bow fishing charter service servicing the Panhandle of Florida from
Gulf Breeze to Port St. Although we service most of the Panhandle; our main fishing ground is Choctawhatchee Bay near Destin, FL. The clear water and sand bottom located along the Gulf Coast make an excellent backdrop for flounder gigging and bow fishing. In fact, the entire Gu
lf Coast's marine environment is literally teaming with life that can be seen when the water is lit up with our LED lights. We fish year round, with peak season beginning in April and running through November. Our normal customers are
folks who have never experienced this amazing style of fishing and wish to try something new or folks tired of the run of the mill fishing charters that involve a sunburn and a salty old ornery captain that yells a lot! Possibly the best aspect of a trip with Lite the Nite Charters is the fact that you don't have to waste a day of your vacation on a fishing trip. Our trips usually start at dark and can be as long or as short as you'd like! Our trips are always family friendly and are a great option for families with children. At Lite the Nite we use only the highest quality equipment and latest technology available to help ensure every trip is a safe and successful one. Even if your group isn't interested in harvesting any fish; we can provide the most unique nature tour you've ever been a part of! Our main goal is
to make sure that every person who
steps on board our boat has a ton of fun
and gets to experience a trip that they'll never forget!