We're people. Most companies are owned and operated by humans these days, but you never know, so I just wanted to verify that for you right off the bat. 😊
That's my daughter, Olivia, in the picture. Before you start a company, it's best if you can marry a really pretty woman so that you have really pretty daughters who can model for you. 😂
Olivia is just one of our five children, but she's the oldest. Believe it or not, the lack of population growth is a massive issue that will begin to show up in some not-so-great ways within the next 10-20 years, so we're just trying to do our part.
Speaking of doing our part, we're also into providing premium ozone-infused products for the hair, mouth and skin. It's something we're passionate about because we've seen these products work wonders due to this little miracle molecule. ✨
If you want to find out more about why ozone oils are so incredible, you should visit our website at www.ozoneapothecary.com and check out the science page. 🤯
I'll be seeing more of you soon.