Just like that Guyer Travel is closed for 2024.
It's because of YOU that I am able to be so thankful for the continuous growth and support of this business.
It is because of you that we were able to give away over 700 backpacks full of supplies to kids in need this year. Setting a precedent of having over $15,000.00 worth of additional supplies for kids to sort through and grab WHATEVER they wanted and needed. No shame, no stigma, no intimidating moods. Headphones, lunch boxes, crafts, key chains, chargers, clothing donations, basic supplies, and more.
It's because of you we put on 5 free public movie events in Rochester servicing well over 5,000 local friends, mostly students and their families at school events. With notable successes like relocating to Spaulding High School, after helping host National Night Out at the Commons for 9 years setting the precedent of moving there back in 2015 for the event..
Its because of you we were able to help give back almost $40,000.00 in funds, and a combined 1000 hours of community service.
It's because of you we had the privilege of sending hundreds of students on their school trips to Washington DC, Paris, Disney, and more.
Its becuase of you we sent well over 1000+ people part of families, beautiful couples, school group trips, birthday celebrations, solo travelers, bucket list finishers, honeymooners, and more throughout 2024 to almost 200 unique destinations. From your Caribbean islands, to Thailand, Egypt, Australia, Seychelles, Vietnam, and more.
It's because of you all Im able to go into 11 schools and learning collaborative all over the state, and share my stories of travel, artifacts, and more. Inspiring the youth and teachers alike to be the best humans they can achieve. Acquiring new artifacts from the Mayans, Middle Ages, Titanic, Movie sets and more. With notable pieces from the bottom of the ocean floor at the Titanic wreck, and actual props from the Wizard of OZ circa 1939.
It's because of you we now have an INCREDIBLE team!
Matthew Kelner and Bela Tavares at Postcard Stories by Guyer Travel, with their newest addition -Morales
JoAnn Vigotty Nickl at Get Outta Here by Guyer Travel, Brook Hardway with Get It On by Guyer Travel, Nicole Rodler and Claudia Sofia Gonzalez-Ferro with Get Outdoors with Guyer Travel , and Kate O'Neil Politano with Byeee Travel with Guyer Travel Network. As well as our valued 34 logged volunteers!
It's because of you that I was able to travel far and wide to better learn and service all your unique vacation wants and needs, winning awards, and traveling to Barbados to meet with other industry leaders to discuss new techniques, trends, and ways to better accommodate YOU!
It's because of you we were able to partner and grow with incredible charities like Karlee's Home Team, formally becoming a board member and CCO of the Organization.
It's because of you all that we can stand here PROUD of whats been achieved in 12 years.
It's because of you we feel a wholesome sense of belonging.
It's because of you we are part of this wonderful community.
It's because of you that I am able to sit down, relax, and enjoy the success of whats been created here.
Thank you.
Wishing you all a beautiful New Years, and a great start to 2025