The Clinch is way up but the cabin is still safe and sound. #randr #gettawayweekend #hostingwithheart #swva #theclinchriver #kayak
Sneak peak of our cozy reading loft. Perfect day to cuddle up with a book. #randr #couplegoals #gettawayweekend #scottcountytourism #ShortTermRentals #theclinchriver #kayak #hostingwithheart #swva #heartofappalachia #mamawshousestayawhile #naturaltunnelstatepark #scottcountyva
Plan for the week; finishing touches, photos on Wednesday, available to view and rent by Saturday. Reality; I’m thankful we got to the chairs and kayaks before they floated away. Silver lining, we got to see our waterfall! #randr #gettawayweekend #memories #scottcountytourism #ShortTermRentals #bluegrassmusic #theclinchriver #kayak #hostingwithheart #mamawshousestayawhile #naturaltunnelstatepark #scottcountyva #devilsbathtub
Sounds like Fall.
These seats will be available in two weeks.
Who’s ready for a fall river rendezvous…. 🍁
#randr #couplegoals #gettawayweekend #scottcountytourism #ShortTermRentals #theclinchriver #kayak #swva #hostingwithheart #naturaltunnelstatepark #mamawshousestayawhile #kayakfishing #fallvibes #fall
What’s that sound? #gettawayweekend #ShortTermRentals #naturaltunnelstatepark #scottcountyva #mamawshousestayawhile #devilsbathtub #randr #kayakfishing #kayaking #clinchriver
“Quietatude” paint color for a calm accent. Some may call it mint… but I love the name because it describes what I want for guests to experience here. #heartofappalachia #mamawshousestayawhile #pawpawfruit #travelislife #gettawayweekend #naturaltunnelstatepark #devilsbathtub #heartofappalachia #bedandbreakfast #devilsbathtubvirginia #mountainmusic #hikingculture #hostingwithheart #kayak #theclinchriver
Prime Time… best primer I’ve ever used, Farrell Calhoun from Duffield Hardware and Lumber. Brad also did a great job color matching the color I wanted from a lesser brand/big store …. Next video for the color.
#gettawayweekend #scottcountytourism #theclinchriver #kayak #hostingwithheart #swva #hikingculture #heartofappalachia #mamawshousestayawhile #naturaltunnelstatepark #scottcountyva
Cabinet included with purchase…. Not my vibe but it will be. Step 1 is prep work, take it and sand it down.
#gettawayweekend #couplegoals #scottcountytourism #ShortTermRentals #hostingwithheart #hikingculture #swva #devilsbathtubvirginia #mamawshousestayawhile #naturaltunnelstatepark #scottcountyva
Cabins don’t always have to be brown. 😍 we are getting closer! #gettawayweekend #scottcountytourism #ShortTermRentals #theclinchriver #kayak #hostingwithheart #swva #hikingculture #devilsbathtubvirginia #virginiaisforlovers #heartofappalachia #devilsbathtub #mamawshousestayawhile #naturaltunnelstatepark
She is cute now but she will be beautiful soon 😍 #theclinchriver #kayak #hostingwithheart #swva #shorttermrental #loveswva #heartofappalachia #travelislife #devilsbathtub #mamawshousestayawhile #naturaltunnelstatepark #scottcountyva #gettawayweekend #couplegoals #gettawayweekend #homeimprovements
I had plans. Gods plans are better. Coming soon; #scottcountytourism #naturaltunnelstatepark #devilsbathtub #travelislife #heartofappalachia #loveswva #shorttermrental #kayak #theclinchriver #scottcountytourism #couplegoals #gettawayweekend #animalovers
Growing up we Never saw bears. Literally thought they were make-believe until I went to the zoo. The first time I seen one “in the wild” was less than 20 years ago. Now it’s like we live in a national park. Well at least he is cute! Don’t worry I won’t be feeding him in the future at Mamaws House #scottcountyva #naturaltunnelstatepark #mamawshousestayawhile #devilsbathtub #heartofappalachia #nationalparks #animalovers
Guest River Gorge Trail is a leisurely walk unless you want to go off path for an adventure. There’s plenty of adventures to have. It’s only 45 minutes from Mamaws House #hikingculture #virginiaisforlovers #loveswva #heartofappalachia #wisecountyva #rocklovers #geologyrocks #doghikingadventures #mamawshousestayawhile #naturescavengerhunt
Love makes Mamaws House grow and change. Today’s red poppy couldn’t be more appropriate. Peas, daisies, red raspberries and guest art makes this mama proud. Thankful for guests that love share the love and make memories here. #scottcountytourism #memories #ShortTermRentals #bluegrassmusic #wildflowers #loveswva #heartofappalachia #devilsbathtub #mamawshousestayawhile #naturaltunnelstatepark #memorialdayweekend
Camomile, mint, lettuce, peas, onions, bee balm clover and so much more at Mamaws House #scottcountytourism #ShortTermRentals #hostingwithheart #mountainmusic #devilsbathtubvirginia #shorttermrental #wildflowers #mamawshousestayawhile #naturaltunnelstatepark #mint #homeopathic