Write from Winter into Spring with Writing Classes from Rick Ohler
Classes Begin January 16 — Our 33nd Year
You’ve known for a while that you’d like to write, but, somehow, you never get around to it. Maybe what you need is to spend some time in one of the classes I’m offering this winter. I’ve found over three decades that your best writing comes out when you make it a regular part of your life. The more you write, the better you write. For many writers, it’s as simple as that. I welcome writers of every experience level and genre to join kindred spirits in this supportive, encouraging, low-key setting where the commonality of purpose creates a dynamic that gets wonderful results. Contact me at [email protected], through my website rickohler.com or here on Facebook. You can also register and pay through my website: http://www.rickohler.com/writing-classes
Choose from Two Classes--Writing Your Memoirs & Family Histories (Mondays at 4 p.m. or) or Creative Writing Workshop (Tuesdays at 7 p.m.)
1) Writing Your Memoirs and Family Histories
Alternate Mondays 4-6 at the Aurora Senior Center
January 16 & 30, February 6 & 20, March 6 & 20, April 3 & 17
Eight sessions $75
There is nothing quite as sustaining and nourishing as sharing the stories of our lives and the lives of our forbears. And the dynamic that is forged when writers--whether they are experienced or absolute beginners--come together to read their own stories and listen to those of their classmates is priceless. It's a fun, fascinating way to spend two hours with wonderful folks. If you are ready to record some of your personal experiences or family stories for your family, this class is ready to welcome you. Writers of all levels of experience can join these encouraging, supportive, low-key afternoon sessions. Participants can work on stories in progress or use my suggestions and then share them with the class. Class size is limited, so everyone gets a chance to share his or her work.
2) Creative Writing Workshop
Tuesdays 7-9 p.m. at the Aurora Senior Center
January 17 through April 25
Fourteen sessions $75
The Creative Writing Workshop invites all writers, from beginners to veterans. Writers of fiction, poetry, memoir, essay are welcome. Whether you're a new writer just getting started or a veteran writer who would like the company of kindred spirits, this encouraging, supportive class is just the ticket. The writings from past session have run the gamut from comedy to tragedy, from serious to frivolous. It's a great way bolster your own writing and have some fun in the process. Share writing that you already have under way, or work on assignments that I will provide. The class is limited to twelve participants with each writer entitled to offer his or her work for feed back and encouragement every other week.