Well said. Thanks Village Sport Shop!
With the recent restricted access on Darling Hill, we felt it was important to voice our opinion on how this calls attention to the need for a collective rise in awareness of how important our respect and appreciation is for the
relationship between landowners, Kingdom Trails, businesses and local residence alike. It highlights the fact that the network is a privilege and some of us may not be aware of the delicate balance between the access of the interconnected trail network and each individual who's land it is on, or the local community member who is commuting in the area that are impacted. There are countless positive impacts from Kingdom Trails presence in this rural corner of Vermont, but with that we can't lose sight of the impacts that are felt from it that are not always as positive as what most of us experience when enjoying the trails or observing the happy visitors stream through the towns and villages.
We all have a responsibility to continue to improve the experience whether a visitor or those of us living and working in the area. This starts with all of us showing gratitude for access to this amazing cooperative effort between landowners and the Kingdom Trail Association to continue to foster this incredible world class trail network for visitors and locals to enjoy, while also protecting the safe enjoyable lifestyle Northern Vermont is known for. This juggle is not always easy to maintain, however as we continue to improve communication in the
important areas, and increase our focus on educating everyone involved on the important issues to be a good patron, partner, friend, and advocate for the continued successes we celebrate as well as keeping a mindful eye on the long term sustainability for the network and local community.
This current situation allows an opportunity for all of us to step back and reassess how we have interacted in this, and how we can help be part of the solution. When large growth comes to a rural community it creates dynamics that can affect people differently and polarize opinions. Kingdom Trails has created countless opportunities for residents of this community, brought new residents to the area looking to be a part of and contribute to, and draws thousands to come to enjoy what a great day recreating on Kingdom Trails can offer them. Providing this stable economic environment in the area by providing these jobs that are directly and/or indirectly associated with the network, as well as providing the local community members who utilize the trails a fulfilling way of life, and allowing our local and visiting youth a unique opportunity to learn at a young age the benefits of exercise in this world class teaching environment is something that should be greatly celebrated but also monitored.
We have seen 1 st hand people transform through the discovery of biking, and with the friendly accessible conditions this trail network offers it allows novice, elite and families the opportunity to ride together and experience those moments of clarity, excitement and joy you get from exercise, comradery and being out in
nature. We also understand that without solid checks in place these positives can spiral into problems over time. This system check will no doubt create a stronger operating environment for all of us to enjoy into the future, with a more consistent conversation with landowners, better informed visitors, ambassadors connecting
with people out on the trails, and local businesses better engaged in the education and information of visitors to create a more cohesive collaboration between us all.
In closing we want to express again the importance that respect and gratitude plays for this network to operate in a positive way. This network is not a right but a privilege and these landowners allow it to exist on their land through generosity and the knowledge that it helps create one of the best networks in the nation, and for that to continue we all need to do our part, and one very important aspect of that is the proper conduct while using it. The vast majority of the network is still intact and we need to work together to keep it that way.
Village Sport Shop