Each experience~love, loss, joy, sorrow, triumph, trauma, ease and discomfort~leaves remnants, not only in our memories but in muscles, bones, organs and energetic field. Though we can’t change what we’ve experienced we can change how we feel about it and it’s subsequent effect. Therapeutic massage and energetic work are perhaps the greatest gifts I have to offer the planet this time around. I abs
olutely love this “work” and feel blessed to get to share it with you. Using a variety of modalities ~ Swedish, Shiatsu and Deep Tissue Massage, Acupressure, Vibrational Alignment, Reiki, Creative Visualization and Trancework~ together we can reduce everyday stress thus shifting patterns of dis-ease by retraining the Body and Mind to relax and release as well as discovering how and where tension is being held so we can create a more harmonious pattern, or story…so the Spirit can soar! As well, the opportunity may arise to uncover your intentions and comittments and with that we can get your energy body on board and more harmoniously flowing in the direcion of manifestation. Simply said, I can help you feel better in Body, Mind and Spirit.