We can also arrange customized technical or non-technical climbs for individuals or small groups throughout the year. Imagine being born blind. Worse yet, imagine suffering a blinding condition that could be treated. But because you were poor and lived in a remote region of the world, you spent all the days of your life in darkness. We want to prevent this tragedy. In just the three regions of Gua
temala where Vision for the Poor has eye clinics, there are over 3,600 children in need of sight-saving surgery for conditions such as congenital cataracts, corneal transplants, congenital glaucoma, and crossed eyes. The cost per surgery is just $200, and Vision for the Poor’s goal is to fund surgeries for all children who have no means for seeking adequate eye treatment. How to Participate
You can climb Mt. Kilimanjaro with us! This is a non-technical climb that requires no prior climbing experience. You only need to be in good physical condition. Each participant has two funding options for funding the trip:
Raise $8,500 plus the cost of your airfare (for a total fundraising goal of $10,000 to $11,000, typically) from sponsorships to make your trip free. Pay for your own trip (approximately $3,500 to $4,500, depending on airfare) and raise a minimum of $3,000 in sponsorships. All resources needed to help you obtain sponsorships will be provided to you.